Special Meeting of CouncilAddendum PackageMeeting #:Date:Monday, November 02, 2020Time: 1:00 P.m. - 4:00 P.m.Location:VirtualDue to COVID-19 this meeting will be conducted as a virtual meeting, with no public attendance. Only the Deputy Mayor, along with a clerk and audio/visual technician, will be in council chambers, with all other staff and members of council participating in the meeting by calling in remotely. The meeting will be live web streamed, as usual, and archived on the city website.4.Delegations: Public Comments: 4.1Mervyn Russell will speak regarding Bill 218, Supporting Ontario's Recovery and Municipal Elections act, 2020. 4.2Ted Kindos and Brian Dean representing Burlington Downtown Business Association & Burlington Restaurant Association will speak regarding Amendments to Temporary Use By-law and By-law Regulating Temporary Outdoor Patios In All Seasons (PL-60-20) 7.Motion to Receive and File Information Items: Public Comments: 7.2Delegation notes from Mervyn Russell regarding Bill 218, Supporting Ontario's Recovery and Municipal Elections act, 2020. 1.Delegation notes from Mervyn Russell regarding Bill 218.pdf7.3Delegation notes from Brian Dean and Ted Kindos regarding Amendments to Temporary Use By-law and By-law Regulating Temporary Outdoor Patios In All Seasons (PL-60-20) 1.Delegation notes from Brian Dean and Ted Kindos regarding Amendments to Temporary Use By.pdfNo Item Selected This item has no attachments1.Delegation notes from Mervyn Russell regarding Bill 218.pdf1.Delegation notes from Brian Dean and Ted Kindos regarding Amendments to Temporary Use By.pdf