Community Planning, Regulation & Mobility Committee MeetingAddendum Meeting #:Date:Tuesday, April 06, 2021Time:9:30 a.m. and reconvening at 6:30 p.m.Location:Council Chambers - members participating remotely5.Regular Items: Public Comments: 5.1Regional Official Plan Review - Growth Concepts Discussion Paper (CPRM-02-21) Public Comments: a.Presentation by Curt Benson, Director, Planning Services and Chief Planning Official, Halton Region (CPRM-02-21) 1.CPRM-02-21_ Region Presentation (R).pdf5.5City of Burlington Housing Strategy – Draft Engagement Plan (PL-16-21) Public Comments: a.Staff presentation regarding City of Burlington Housing Strategy - Draft Engagement Plan (PL-16-21) 1.PL-16-21_Staff Presentation.pdf5.6Recommendation for Plan of Subdivision at 600 Maplehill Drive (PL-19-21) Public Comments: a.Staff presentation regarding recommendation for Plan of Subdivision at 600 Maplehill Drive (PL-19-21) 1.PL-19-21_ Staff Presentation.pdfb.Diana Morris, T. Johns Consulting Group representing DiCarlo Homes regarding recommendation for Plan of Subdivision at 600 Maplehill Drive (PL-19-21) c.Correspondence from Marsha and Marrianne Paley regarding recommendation for Plan of Subdivision at 600 Maplehill Drive (PL-19-21) 1.PL-19-21 Paley Delegation_correspondence.pdfNo Item Selected This item has no attachments1.PL-19-21 Paley Delegation_correspondence.pdf1.PL-16-21_Staff Presentation.pdf1.PL-19-21_ Staff Presentation.pdf1.CPRM-02-21_ Region Presentation (R).pdf