Approve the sole source procurement of the eCheck Automated Compliance solution as our fast-tracking online building permit assessment platform to Archistar Pty Ltd. (”Archistar”) for an initial term of up to five (5) years at total cost of $1,680,944 before HST for acquisition and ongoing licensing; and
After the initial term, authorize the Chief Information Officer to deem the software legacy should they see fit; and
Authorize the Manager of Procurement Services to approve change orders to the original contract value for necessary license or software expansion, pending such change orders are within budget; and
Authorize the Chief Financial Officer to incorporate the ongoing maintenance cost of this software into the multi-year budget simulation for 2026, and
Authorize the Manager of Procurement Services to execute any required agreement(s), with content satisfactory to the Commissioner, Legal & Legislative Services/City Solicitor and issue any required Purchase Order(s).