Direct the Director of Community Planning to retain a consultant to assess the eligibility of the following properties for potential heritage designation under Part IV of the Ontario Heritage Act, consult the Heritage Burlington Advisory Committee, and report back to Council with statements explaining the cultural heritage value or interest of qualifying properties prior to January 1, 2025:
1. 461 Elizabeth Street
2. 451 Elizabeth Street
3. 2137 Lakeshore Road
4. 472 Locust Street
5. 482 Elizabeth Street
6. 451 Nelson Avenue
7. 518 Hager Avenue
8. 562 Maple Avenue
9. 1406 Ontario Street
10. 1419 Ontario Street
11. 458 Elizabeth Street
12. 490 Elizabeth Street
13. 2464 Dundas Street
14. 2003 Lakeshore Road
15. 390 John Street
16. 2437 Dundas Street
17. 368 Brant Street
18. 550 Hurd Avenue
19. 2280 No. 2 Side Road
20. 6414 Walker’s Line
21. 367 Torrance Street
22. 1433 Baldwin Street
23. 380 Brant Street; and
Approve an upset limit of $125,000 for the study, funded from the Tax Rate Stabilization Reserve Fund; and
Direct the Director of Community Planning to assess the eligibility of the following properties for potential heritage designation under Part IV of the Ontario Heritage Act, consult the Heritage Burlington Advisory Committee, and report back to Council with statements explaining the cultural heritage value or interest of qualifying properties prior to January 1, 2025:
24. 400 Brant Street
25. 2066 Kilbride Street.