Burlington Agricultural & Rural Affairs Advisory Committee Meeting


Meeting #:
Hybrid meeting - Virtual and Room 307, City Hall

Vincent Sowa (Chair), Glenn Portch, Erin Fleming, Sarah Pralet, Larry Campbell and Mariam Abu-El-Magd

Councillor Kelvin Galbraith, Maura Romanelli, Michiel Barnard, Chuck Nyland and Peter Starcevic

Kelly Cook (Planner) and Jo-Anne Rudy (Clerk)

The Chair read the land acknowledgement.

On motion, the minutes from the meeting held June 19, 2024, were approved as presented.

  • Kelly confirmed that the Provincial Planning Statement, 2024 will replace the Provincial Policy Statement, 2020 and the Growth Plan, 2019 and will become effective October 20, 2024. Kelly advised that the Province is currently consulting on potential transition provisions at the present time and she will keep the Committee posted as information becomes available.
  • Kelly advised that as a result of Bill 185, on July 1, 2024, the Region of Halton's planning responsibilities were moved to the City and added that the Region recently prepared a report to provide additional information on the service delivery changes that have come into effect, or that will come into effect as of January 1, 2025.
  • Kelly advised of the following significant changes:
    • The Region's Natural Heritage Advisory Committee and Halton Agricultural Advisory Committee were sunset as of July 2024.
    • It was determined that economic development services would more effectively serve the interests of the business community if delivered through one organization in each municipality, so all economic development services delivered by Halton Region, except for the Halton Small Business Centre, will cease as of January 1, 2025.
    • The agricultural sector support services at the Region that have supported the rural and agricultural communities in Halton will cease as of January 1, 2025. Regional staff will assist with the transition of agricultural programs and services, including advising stakeholders of the changes and making changes to memberships in agricultural working groups and organizations, such as the Golden Horseshoe Food and Farming Alliance (GHFFA).
  • Kelly stated that the work that the committee has done on the Agricultural Action Plan (AAP) was premised on supporting what was already happening at the Regional level; but now we will have to go back to the drawing board and rethink the approach and prioritize actions. Kelly added that the report to Council is paused due to capacity and that she is working to determine revised timelines.
  • Kelly suggested that the committee take another look at the AAP to scope it down at the next committee meeting.
  • Kelly advised that the Food for Feedback event was really well attended this year and noted that the children's resources were a good addition to the table. She suggested that we should have two shifts next year, limited to two people at a time, so members don't have to be there all day.
  • Some suggestions for next year were:
    • have 2 bushels of apples rather than 1 apple and 1 pear,
    • easier questions to have more participation and engagement,
    • provide some history of farming.
  • Vincent advised that Councillor Galbraith will be launching a communication campaign but is just confirming who the communications will be sent to.
  • Kelly advised that work to review the composition of City Council and the city's ward boundaries is set to begin this fall. The review will assess how well the current council size and structure, and ward boundaries work for our community. All residents and Burlington business owners are invited to share their input through a series of upcoming public engagements. Action: Jo-Anne will send link to members with more information.
  • Kelly advised that she will be attending the City’s annual Rural Forum on September 26, 2024 at the Kilbride Fire Station from 6 to 9 p.m.
  • Jo-Anne advised that recruitment for Advisory Committees will begin on October 21.

Chair adjourned the meeting at 7:58 p.m.

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