Heritage Burlington Advisory Committee MeetingMinutesMeeting #:Date:Wednesday, September 11, 2024Time: 7:00 P.m. - 9:00 P.m.Location:Hybrid meeting- Virtual and Room 247 City Hall1.Members Present: Michele Camacho (Chair), Marsha Paley, Andy Lyster, Steve Allen, Diane Smith, Michael Vollmer, Len Collins, Jenna Dobson, Deanne Mayall, Janet Kasperski, Robin Lloyd, Alan Harrington and Catherine Robb 2.Regrets: Councillor Shawna Stolte3.Others Present: Chloe Richer (Heritage Planner), Emily Guy (Research & Policy Lead, TRACE architectures), Gail Shillingford (Urban Design & Engagement Lead, B+H Master Planning), Jo-Anne Rudy (Clerk)4.Land Acknowledgement: The Chair read the land acknowledgement.5.Declarations of Interest: None6.Approval of Minutes: 6.1Approve minutes from meeting held August 14, 2024 1.2024_08_14_Heritage_Burlington_Advisory_Committee_Minutes.pdfOn motion, the minutes from the meeting held August 14, 2024, were approved as presented.7.Delegation(s): 7.1Report regarding amendments to Heritage Property Tax Rebate By-law 1.David Barker's notes.pdf David Barker stated that the process used to administer the Heritage Property Tax Rebate program is cumbersome and antiquated and disagreed with receiving the rebate in the form of a credit rather than a cheque. He questioned why it takes five months to process the rebate and expressed concern that Heritage Burlington was not consulted in the writing of this report. He requested that the committee pass a resolution to ask Council to refer the report back to staff to seek input from heritage property owners on the entire process. 8.Regular Items: 8.1Heritage Planner update 1.Heritage Planner Memo (2024-09-11).pdfa.Provincial Policy updates - Provincial Policy Statement 2024 Chloe advised that the Ministry of Municipal Affairs and Housing has issued a new Provincial Planning Statement under the Planning Act that will be effective on October 20, 2024. One of the most significant changes for cultural heritage is the replacement of the word "significant" with "protected heritage property" in Policy 4.6.1 (formerly Policy 2.6.1), "Protected heritage property, which may contain built heritage resources or cultural heritage landscapes, shall be conserved." b.Bill 23 - Heritage Designation Shortlist Project update Chloe advised that staff have reviewed Batch 1 of the Cultural Heritage Evaluation Reports from Stantec, the heritage consultants. Staff have also provided their feedback and anticipate the second drafts of the reports to be submitted in the near future. Chloe noted that it is expected that the heritage consultants will provide an update to the committee at the October 9, 2024 meeting. c.Burlington Ave. and Ontario St. Heritage Conservation District Study update Chloe provided some background information on the Burlington Heritage Conservation District Study and introduced the consultants - Gail Shillingford, Urban Design & Engagement Lead, B+H Master Planning and Emily Guy, Research & Policy Lead, TRACE architectures. The consultants reviewed the characteristics of a Heritage Conservation District and advised that the study area is comprised of two blocks of Burlington Avenue from Lakeshore Road to Ontario Street and includes 33 properties. The study commenced in June and one-on-one meetings were held in July with interested residents and landowners to share any issues and to discuss opportunities. Engagement with the community has occurred through the Heritage Fair during Heritage Week, a recent pop-up stand within the study area and participation at Food for Feedback. The consultants highlighted some of the architectural styles that they have observed in the study area and clarified what a Heritage Conservation District can and cannot do. Members asked a few minor questions and were pleased with the progress of the study. d.Report regarding amendments to Heritage Property Tax Rebate By-law Chloe advised that staff had a report on the September 9th Committee of the Whole agenda regarding amendments to the Heritage Property Tax Rebate By-law to update the rebate payment method. She noted that the amendments were minor in nature and the change was suggested by the Finance Department to improve the application process and replace a refund with a rebate on owner's tax accounts to provide efficiencies in the process and reduce confusion for taxpayers. 8.2Heritage Week wrap-up Marsha thanked everyone who participated and volunteered during Heritage Week and noted that most events were at capacity. It was a wonderful week with over 40 organizations participating in 27 events. The Heritage Week Subcommittee would appreciate more attendance by Council and Heritage Burlington members at events in support of the efforts by all of the organizations. In addition, she feels that more promotion/communication is needed. Marsha advised that, as much as she has been honoured to chair the Heritage Week Subcommittee these past two years, she has to step aside due to other obligations. She asked if another member could take on this role and stated that she is willing to assist during the transition by organizing an event or two. A written report will be provided for the October meeting for information. 8.3Food for Feedback - September 14, 2024 Jo-Anne provided a brief overview of the supplies and event details for the members who are volunteering. 9.Other Business: Michele advised committee that she had asked Chloe to look into the designation of Kilbride Church and a stone knee wall on Lakeshore Road. Alan advised that the speaker at the Burlington Historical Society (BHS) this month was Ted Barris who will speak about his latest book "The Battle of Britain". Jo-Anne advised that recruitment for advisory committees will begin in October. 10.Adjournment: Chair adjourned the meeting at 8:30 p.m.No Item Selected This item has no attachments.1.2024_08_14_Heritage_Burlington_Advisory_Committee_Minutes.pdf1.Heritage Planner Memo (2024-09-11).pdf1.David Barker's notes.pdf