Burlington Agricultural & Rural Affairs Advisory Committee Meeting


Meeting #:

Glenn Portch (Chair), Jamie Fisher, Maura Romanelli, Sarah Pralet, Larry Campbell, Vincent Sowa and Peter Starcevic (alternate)

Krista Harrington, Michiel Barnard and Simon O'Keefe (alternate)

Councillor Kelvin Galbraith, Kelly Cook (Planner) and Jo-Anne Rudy (Clerk)

The Chair read the land acknowledgement.

On motion, the minutes from the meeting held June 15, 2022 were approved as presented.

  • Maura provided a brief update from the Woodlot Workshop she attended on September 28, 2022 and noted that participants discussed opportunities and challenges facing woodland management within the City. A wide range of topics were discussed which included improved maintenance and tree health within local parks and trails, garbage dumping within local parks and trails, removal of invasive species, protection of forested areas and the potential of a pilot program for local stewardship of healthy woodlands within each ward.
  • Maura provided an overview of the 2022 Agri-Food Forum she attended on November 2 and 3, 2022 in the County of Brant. She advised that the sessions were very informative and covered topics such as the issues/challenges with workforce in the agricultural sector; the importance of partnerships and innovation for creating sustainable farm businesses and a sustainable environment; and balancing rural identity, strategic priorities and community capacity through implementation of the agricultural system approach. Maura also shared some photos from the bus tour she participated in that toured various County of Brant farms and operations, such as Kevin Hodge Farms, Slaman's Flowers, Steelwell Brewery, Brantview Apples & Cider and Howell Road Cider Company.
  • Kelly advised that there have been significant changes to land use planning framework  due to Bill 23 and staff are still getting details and determining what this will look like. Staff will be reporting back to Council in early 2023, once more information is available.
  • Kelly advised that the appeals have been divided in 9 phases. The first phase (1A, Agriculture) is scheduled for April 3. Staff are working to determine the impacts of Regional Official Plan Amendment numbers 48 and 49, which will help to inform the final issues lists for each of the 9 phases.
  • Kelly advised that the Region is still working to determine the full impacts of Bill 23 in relation to the remaining components of the Regional Official Plan Review (rural, agriculture, aggregates, natural heritage and North Aldershot).
  • Kelly advised that the final report was approved and released in December 2022. The Rural Active Transportation Strategy is an input to the overall Integrated Mobility Plan (IMP) and the findings will be "rolled up" into the final IMP.
  • Kelly stated that the 2023 ROMA Conference will be held on January 22-24, 2023. No new topics of concern were identified this year so the City of Burlington did not submit any delegation requests. Kelly asked members to let her know of emerging topics/issues for potential delegation at the 2024 conference, which will need to be confirmed by early fall 2023.
  • The committee reviewed their accomplishments in 2022 and discussed the 2023 workplan. Various initiatives were identified which may require sub-committees to be struck in order to get the work completed. The work plan and committee budget will be further discussed and approved at the February 15, 2023 meeting.
  • It was suggested that perhaps the full committee could meet every other month to allow sub-committees to meet and do their work on the existing scheduled meeting dates.
  • Sarah asked if the City will/could do an advertising campaign for bikers in the rural area highlighting etiquette, etc. Kelly will reach out to Transportation Services and report back at next meeting.
  • Sarah asked if the City will be doing some education for the public regarding coyotes. Kelly noted that there is a Coyote Response Strategy proposed in the 2023 budget.

Chair adjourned the meeting at 8:52 p.m.