Pipeline to Permit CommitteeMinutesMeeting #:Date:Thursday, December 05, 2024Time:9:30 a.m.Location:Hybrid meeting- virtual and Council Chambers, City HallMembers Present:Mayor Marianne Meed Ward (Co-Chair), Shawna Stolte (Co-Chair), Kelvin Galbraith, Paul Sharman, Bianca Steer, Elisha Vankleef, Jason Sheldon, Jim Dunn, John Doyle, Kellie McCormack, and Mike Collins-Williams Member Regrets:Jackie Isada and Kristen Delong Staff Present:Hassaan Basit, Curt Benson, Nick Anastasopoulos, Jamie Tellier, Richard Bellemare (Audio/Video Specialist), and Lisa Palermo (Clerk) 1.Entrance 1.1Call to Order The Chair called the meeting to order at 9:30 a.m.1.2Land Acknowledgement The Chair read the Land Acknowledgement.1.3Approval of the Agenda Moved byCouncillor SharmanApprove the agenda as presented.CARRIED1.4Declarations of Interest None.1.5Written Delegations None.2.Enlightenment 2.1Presentations None.3.N2: News and Numbers 3.1Pipeline to Permit Report Jamie Tellier, Director of Community Planning and Nick Anastasopoulos, Director, Building Services & Chief Building Official reviewed the City’s Pipeline to Permit Self-Serve Dashboard that shows the City’s progress in hitting building permit and planning approval targets. Click here for the Desktop Pipeline to Permit dashboardClick here for the Mobile Pipeline to Permit dashboard3.2Contextual Updates 4.Enactions 4.1Next Steps and Action Identification 4.2Information Items Moved byMike Collins-WilliamsReceive and file the following item, having been given due consideration by the Pipeline to Permit Committee. CARRIEDa.Staff memo regarding resubmission of building permits (PP-27-24) 1.PP-27-24 staff memo re resubmission of Building Permits.pdf4.3Adjournment 10:08 a.m. (recessed), 10:23 a.m. (reconvened). Jim Dunn joined the meeting at 11:04 a.m. The Chair adjourned the meeting at 11:19 a.m. No Item Selected This item has no attachments.1.PP-27-24 staff memo re resubmission of Building Permits.pdf