Special Council meeting


Meeting #:
Council Chambers Level 2, City Hall
Members Present:
  • Kelvin Galbraith, 
  • Lisa Kearns, 
  • Rory Nisan, 
  • Shawna Stolte, 
  • Paul Sharman, 
  • and Angelo Bentivegna (Chair) 
Member Regrets:
  • Mayor Marianne Meed Ward 
Staff Present:
  • Hassaan Basit, 
  • Kerry Davren, 
  • Sue Evfremidis, 
  • Scott Hamilton, 
  • Blake Hurley, 
  • Craig Millar, 
  • Jacqueline Johnson, 
  • Lori Jivan, 
  • David Thompson (Audio/Video Specialist), 
  • Richard Bellemare (Audio/Video Specialist), 
  • Debbie Hordyk, 
  • and Lisa Palermo (Deputy Clerk) 

Note: This City Council meeting was conducted using a hybrid model, allowing members of Council, city staff and delegations the option of participating remotely or in-person.

  • Moved by:Councillor Sharman
    Seconded by:Councillor Stolte

    Approve the Special Council agenda for Monday, November 25, 2024 as presented.

    IN FAVOUR: (6)Councillor Sharman, Councillor Galbraith, Councillor Kearns, Councillor Nisan, Councillor Stolte, and Councillor Bentivegna (Chair)
    Absent (1)Mayor Meed Ward
    CARRIED (6 to 0)

Note: members requested that each paragraph in this motion be voted on separately.

  • Endorse the 2025 Operating Budget including any approved budget amendments to be applied against the proposed net tax levy amount of $264,343,845; and

    IN FAVOUR: (2)Councillor Sharman, and Councillor Galbraith
    OPPOSED: (4)Councillor Kearns, Councillor Nisan, Councillor Stolte, and Councillor Bentivegna (Chair)
    Absent (1)Mayor Meed Ward
    LOST (2 to 4)
  • Endorse that any surplus or deficit resulting from a difference between the actual results and the estimated 0.75% City portion of the net assessment growth be transferred to / from the Tax Rate Stabilization Reserve Fund; and

    IN FAVOUR: (6)Councillor Sharman, Councillor Galbraith, Councillor Kearns, Councillor Nisan, Councillor Stolte, and Councillor Bentivegna (Chair)
    Absent (1)Mayor Meed Ward
    CARRIED (6 to 0)
  • Endorse the 2025 Capital Budget for the City of Burlington, with a gross amount of $105,425,263 with a debenture requirement of $8,950,000, and the 2026-2034 capital forecast with a gross amount of $994,403,942 with a debenture requirement of $30,179,850 as outlined in the 2025 Budget Overview (F-36-24) and as amended by Council; and

    IN FAVOUR: (3)Councillor Sharman, Councillor Galbraith, and Councillor Bentivegna (Chair)
    OPPOSED: (3)Councillor Kearns, Councillor Nisan, and Councillor Stolte
    Absent (1)Mayor Meed Ward
    LOST (3 to 3)
  • Administer the debenture in the amount of $8,950,000 in 2025 as tax supported debt; and

    IN FAVOUR: (6)Councillor Sharman, Councillor Galbraith, Councillor Kearns, Councillor Nisan, Councillor Stolte, and Councillor Bentivegna (Chair)
    Absent (1)Mayor Meed Ward
    CARRIED (6 to 0)
  • Declare that, in accordance with s. 5(1)5 of the Development Charges Act, 1997 and s. 5 of Ontario Regulation 82/98, it is Council’s clear intention that the excess capacity provided by the above-referenced works will be paid for by future development charges.

    IN FAVOUR: (6)Councillor Sharman, Councillor Galbraith, Councillor Kearns, Councillor Nisan, Councillor Stolte, and Councillor Bentivegna (Chair)
    Absent (1)Mayor Meed Ward
    CARRIED (6 to 0)
  • Moved by:Councillor Nisan
    Seconded by:Councillor Sharman

    Approve the budget amendments as reviewed at the Budget Committee meeting of November 18, 2024.

    IN FAVOUR: (5)Councillor Sharman, Councillor Galbraith, Councillor Kearns, Councillor Nisan, and Councillor Stolte
    OPPOSED: (1)Councillor Bentivegna (Chair)
    Absent (1)Mayor Meed Ward
    CARRIED (5 to 1)
  • Moved by:Councillor Kearns
    Seconded by:Councillor Nisan

    Remove paragraph one and three of the main motion.

    IN FAVOUR: (2)Councillor Kearns, and Councillor Nisan
    OPPOSED: (4)Councillor Sharman, Councillor Galbraith, Councillor Stolte, and Councillor Bentivegna (Chair)
    Absent (1)Mayor Meed Ward
    LOST (2 to 4)
  • Moved by:Councillor Stolte
    Seconded by:Councillor Kearns

    Enact and pass By-law Number 72-2024 being a by-law to confirm the proceedings of Special Council at its meeting held Monday, November 25, 2024 being read a first, second and third time.

    IN FAVOUR: (6)Councillor Sharman, Councillor Galbraith, Councillor Kearns, Councillor Nisan, Councillor Stolte, and Councillor Bentivegna (Chair)
    Absent (1)Mayor Meed Ward
    CARRIED (6 to 0)
  • Moved by:Councillor Sharman
    Seconded by:Councillor Galbraith

    10:20 a.m. (recess), 10:34 a.m. (reconvene)

    Adjourn this Council now to meet again at the call of the Mayor.

    11:08 a.m.