Award the tender for contract CW-19-20, Wolfe Island Bridge Deck Soffit Repair to Landform Civil Infrastructures Inc., 75 Cascade St. Hamilton, Ontario L8E 3B7, for $891,349.65 including HST; and
Authorize the Mayor and City Clerk to sign any required agreements with the bidder named above, subject to the satisfaction of the City Solicitor; and
Approve the total cost of $990,000 (Net HST) to be charged to Capital Order BG0048 and funded as follows:
Wolfe Island Bridge Deck Soffit Repairs (BG0048)$580,000
Spring Gardens Slope Stability (RL0257)$308,796
Capital Purposes Reserve Fund (800013)$101,204
City of Burlington Funding$990,000
Total Project Financing $990,000