Burlington Mundialization Committee Meeting


Meeting #:
Room 305, City Hall, third floor

Hassan Raza (Chair), Marybeth Curtin, Chris VanDooren, Mary Ann Campanelli, Anne Koopman, Christine Greco

Allan Dykstra, Diana Tello

Councillor Rory Nisan, Lisa Palermo (Clerk)

The Chair read the Land Acknowledgement.

Anne provided the update:

  • CNFD will be held on May 24th at LaSalle Park.
  • event to be held from 10-11:30 a.m. with a reception to follow until noon.
  • the program is being confirmed.  Consideration is being given to have former Mayors who signed the twinning agreement to provide video messages. More details to come.
  • 2000 orange tulip bulbs were distributed across the city to committee members, residents, and local schools.  City staff have planted orange tulips in the downtown area.  All the tulips will bloom in the spring as a symbol of the 20th twinning anniversary with Apeldoorn in the Netherlands.
  • 17 Burlington residents will take part in a citizen exchange to Apeldoorn in May.   The Burlington residents will be billeted by residents of Apeldoorn. An information session will be held on January 22 for the travelers.
  • Burlington elementary school students have sent their pen pal letters to Apeldoorn and are waiting for the return letters.  
  • The Apeldoorn sub-committee will continue to meet the last Wednesday of the month.

Marybeth provided the update:

  • Pen pal letters have been received from Itabashi.
  • Elementary school art will come from Itabashi in March and will be displayed at the Sakura Festival event.
  • Rob is leading the planning of the Sakura Festival as a member of the Itabashi sub-committee.

Mary Ann provided the update:

  • the sub-committee has not met in 2025.  The time and date of their next meeting is still to be determined.
  • the sub-committee will meet to discuss their work plan for the year.

A dialogue about promotional material for the committee came about following the Food for Feedback event held in September 2024.  Many attendees at the event were unfamiliar with the Mundialization Committee's purpose. Discussion was deferred to the February committee meeting.  What is the strategy that the committee wants for awareness?

The 2024 annual report and the 2025 budget and work plan for the Apeldoorn, Itabashi and UN Sub-committees will be presented at the February meeting for review and approval before being provided to Committee of the Whole.

On motion, Hassan Raza was elected Chair of the Mundialization Committee for the term ending December 31, 2025 and Chris VanDooren was elected Vice Chair of the Mundialization Committee for the term ending December 31, 2025.

Chair adjourned the meeting at 8:17 p.m.