Community Planning, Regulation & Mobility Committee Meeting

Meeting #:
9:30 a.m. and reconvening at 6:30 p.m.
Council Chambers - members participating remotely

Regular Items:

Note: This item will be the subject of a Special Council meeting immediately following the April 12, 2022 Community Planning, Regulation and Mobility Committee meeting.

  • Receive the “Waterfront Hotel Planning Study Planning Justification Report” dated March 23, 2022, prepared by The Planning Partnership Limited, attached as Appendix “A” to community planning department report PL-28-22; and

    Endorse in principle the Waterfront Hotel Planning Study, the recommended Preferred Concept Plan, site-specific draft Official Plan policies, directions for a future Zoning By-law amendment and site-specific Urban Design Guidelines as detailed in Appendix “A” to community planning department report PL-28-22; and

    Consider the Waterfront Hotel Planning Study findings in Council’s consideration of the site-specific development applications for 2020 Lakeshore Road.