Heritage Burlington Advisory Committee Meeting


Meeting #:
Room 247, Level 2, City Hall

Howard Bohan (Chair), Michele Camacho, David Barker, Don Thorpe

Anne and Dave Marsden, Jeevan Brar (Social Media & Digital Specialist), Councillor Rory Nisan, Danika Guppy (Heritage Planner) and Jo-Anne Rudy

Rick Wilson, Diane Miller and Sille Nygaard Mikkelsen

  • Anne and Dave Marsden advised the committee of the poor condition of the King Edward VII memorial fountain located by the Cenotaph. Anne and Dave noted that they spoke with the past president of the Burlington Historical Society who advised that the fountain was part of the City's public art collection. Anne and Dave stated that the fountain is an important part of the City's cultural heritage and requested Heritage Burlington to look into who is responsible for its care and maintenance. Motion - Request staff to determine who is responsible for the repair and maintenance of the King Edward VII fountain. - CARRIED
  • Jeevan Brar, Social Media & Digital Specialist, City Manager's Office, shared the performance for the City's Twitter, Instagram and Facebook accounts and stated that when compared to neighbouring municipalities, Burlington ranked first when it came to engaging with their audience.  Jeevan noted that he is looking forward to working with Heritage Burlington on their social media needs and provided the following ideas:
    • "Throwback Thursdays" highlighting a key site either each week or month
    • Any post done on Twitter and Instagram would include #HeritageBurlON
    • Facebook events for key heritage events throughout the year
    • Full coverage of Heritage Month including daily tweets, Instagram stories of launch and Facebook event.
  • Jeevan requested that the committee provide a content plan to assist with the "Throwback Thursdays" posts and include photos along with captions.
  • Jo-Anne noted that she will be the point person and asked that ideas for content be sent to her and she will reach out to the Communications Team. 
  • Danika advised that the City received revised materials related to this application and noted that the revised architectural plans respond to comments provided by the committee in October 2019 and includes renderings from the pedestrian perspective and elevations visualizing how the register-listed heritage building interacts with the new proposed development.
  • Committee reviewed and agreed that the materials assist with visualizing how the register-listed heritage building will look with the new proposed development. Heritage Burlington agreed that the building revisions are an improvement as far as the heritage matters are concerned and advised that they have no further comments.
  • Michele stated that any property over 100 years has potential heritage value to the community and suggested that the committee recommend that every property over 100 years be added to the register. She advised the benefits as being impartial, expedient, fiscally responsible and justifiable. Further, Michele noted that the heritage value of a property can be assessed when a demolition permit is requested so the committee's focus can be on the ones at risk of demolition.
  • Howard noted the importance of notification and communication with property owners and asked committee members to consider Michele's approach and be ready to discuss at the next meeting.
  • David suggested, for the sake of time, if committee members could meet with City of Hamilton staff and advisory committee members prior to the February meeting. Action - Danika to follow up with her contact at the City of Hamilton.
  • Don reminded members of the Heritage Month kick-off event on February 1 at Knox Presbyterian Church at 10:30 a.m. and asked if the Mayor could recognize Martha for her work and leadership in her remarks. Action - Jo-Anne to follow up with Mayor's Office.
  • Jo-Anne advised that a request was received by Helen Callaway to delegate at the February meeting regarding funding needed for the Historic Tour of Kilbride that she is organizing in the Spring. Action - Jo-Anne to contact Helen to confirm her delegation. 
  • Jo-Anne reminded members of the January 23/20 meeting regarding the advisory committee review.
  • Howard advised, with regret, that Heather Stevens and Sharon Portelli have resigned from the committee.