Environment, Infrastructure & Community Services Committee MeetingMinutesMeeting #:Date:Monday, March 09, 2020Time: 6:30 P.m. - 7:30 P.m.Location:Council Chambers Level 2, City HallMembers Present:Lisa Kearns, Rory Nisan, Shawna Stolte, Paul Sharman, Angelo Bentivegna, and Mayor Marianne Meed WardMember Regrets:Kelvin Galbraith (Chair)Staff Present:Tim Commisso, Chris Glenn, Allan Magi, David Thompson (Audio/Video Specialist), and Suzanne Gillies (Clerk)1.Declarations of Interest: None.2.Delegation(s): 2.1Delegation from Hassaan Basit, Conservation Halton, regarding Support for Ontario's Conservation Authorities (MO-05-20) 1.CA Support Resolution - Burlington final.pdf2.2Mary Alice St. James, A.C.T., spoke regarding Low Density Residential and Infill Development- Managing Grading and Drainage (CW-08-20) 1.CW-08-20 Mary Alice St. James.pdf2.3Leslie Barbetta spoke regarding Low Density Residential and Infill Development- Managing Grading and Drainage (CW-08-20) 1.CW-08-20 Leslie Barbetta.pdf2.4Ken Crew spoke regarding Low Density Residential and Infill Development- Managing Grading and Drainage (CW-08-20) 2.5Bryan Purcell, The Atmospheric Fund, spoke in support of the Climate Action Plan for Burlington (EICS-01-20) 2.6Julie O'Brien spoke regarding Climate Action Plan for Burlington (EICS-01-20) 2.7Vince Fiorito, Friends of Sheldon Creek, spoke regarding Climate Action Plan for Burlington (EICS-01-20) 1.EICS-01-20 Vince Fiorito.pdf2.8Anna Pautler, Bay Area Climate Change Council, spoke in support of the Climate Action Plan for Burlington (EICS-01-20) 2.9Paul Frith, Ontario Geothermal Association, spoke in support of the Climate Action Plan for Burlington (EICS-01-20) 2.10Gabriella Kalapos, Clean Air Partnership, spoke in support of the Climate Action Plan for Burlington (EICS-01-20) 2.11Patricia Robinson expressed concerns with fireworks as it relates to the Climate Action Plan for Burlington (EICS-01-20) 1.EICS-01-20 Patricia Robinson.pdf2.12Mervyn Russell, Halton Chapter Council of Canadians, spoke regarding Climate Action Plan for Burlington (EICS-01-20) 1.EICS-01-20 Mervyn Russell.pdf2.13Scott Kirby spoke regarding the Climate Action Plan for Burlington (EICS-01-20) 2.14Lawson Hunter spoke regarding the Climate Action Plan for Burlington (EICS-01-20) 2.15Carolyn Barnes, Burlington Sustainable Development Advisory Committee, spoke in support of the Climate Action Plan for Burlington (EICS-01-20) 2.16Lisa Kohler, Halton Environmental Network, spoke in support of the Climate Action Plan for Burlington (EICS-01-20) 2.17Paul Fletcher spoke in support of the Climate Action Plan for Burlington (EICS-01-20) 2.18Peter Sangster, spoke regarding Climate Action Plan for Burlington (EICS-01-20) 2.19Steve Rieck, Dads Against Dirty Air (DADA), expressed concerns with the Climate Action Plan for Burlington (EICS-01-20) 1.EICS-01-20 Steve Rieck .pdf3.Consent Items: 3.1Low Density Residential and Infill Development – Managing Grading and Drainage (CW-08-20) 1.Low Density Residential and Infill Development - managing grading and drainage.pdfMoved byMayor Meed WardRefer capital works department report CW-08-20 regarding low density residential and infill development - managing grading and drainage to the Community Planning, Regulation and Mobility Committee meeting on Tuesday March 10, 2020.CARRIED4.Regular Items: 4.1Climate Action Plan for Burlington (EICS-01-20) 1.EICS-01-20 Climate Action Plan for Burlington.pdf2.EICS-01-20 Appendix A.pdf3.EICS-01-20 Appendix B.pdf4.EICS-01-20 Appendix C.pdf5.EICS-01-20 Appendix D Climate Action Plan Engagement Strategy.pdfMoved byMayor Meed WardRefer environment, infrastructure and community services report EICS-01-20 regarding climate action plan for Burlington to the Community Planning, Regulation & Mobility Committee meeting on Tuesday, March 10, 2020.CARRIED4.2Tyandaga - Park and Golf Course (RS-02-20) 1.RS-02-20 Tyandaga - Park and Golf Course.pdfMoved byMayor Meed WardRefer department of recreation services report RS-02-20 regarding Tyandaga Park and Golf Course to the Community Planning, Regulation, and Mobility Committee meeting on Tuesday March 10, 2020.CARRIED4.3Support for Ontario's Conservation Authorities (MO-05-20) 1.MO-05-20.Support for Ontario Conservation Auhtorities.pdf2.MO-O5-20 Appendix A - Letter to Minister Yurek re CAs March 2020 (002).pdfMoved byMayor Meed WardRefer mayor's office report MO-05-20 regarding support for Ontario's Conservation Authorities to the Community Planning, Regulation and Mobility Committee meeting on Tuesday, March 10, 2020.CARRIED5.Confidential Items: None.6.Procedural Motions: None.7.Information Items: Moved byMayor Meed WardRefer the motion to receive and file the following 8 items to the Community Planning, Regulation and Mobility Committee meeting on Tuesday, March 10, 2020.7.1Staff presentation regarding Climate Action Plan for Burlington (EICS-01-20) 1.EICS-01-20 staff presentation.pdf7.2Delegation material from Hassaan Basit, Conservation Halton, regarding Support for Ontario's Conservation Authorities (MO-05-20) 1.MO-05-20 Hassaan Basit.pdf7.3Delegation material from Mary Alice St. James, A.C.T., regarding Low Density Residential and Infill Development- Managing Grading and Drainage (CW-08-20) 1.CW-08-20 Mary Alice St. James(1).pdf7.4Delegation material from Leslie Barbetta regarding Low Density Residential and Infill development- Managing Grading and Drainage (CW-08-20) 1.CW-08-20 Leslie Barbetta(1).pdf7.5Delegation material from Vince Fiorito, Friends of Sheldon Creek, regarding Climate Action Plan for Burlington (EICS-01-20) 1.EICS-01-20 Vince Fiorito(1).pdf7.6Delegation material from Patricia Robinson regarding Climate Action Plan for Burlington (EICS-01-20) 1.EICS-01-20 Patricia Robinson(1).pdf7.7Delegation material from Mervyn Russell regarding Climate Action Plan for Burlington (EICS-01-20) 1.EICS-01-20 Mervyn Russell(1).pdf7.8Delegation material from Steve Rieck, Dads Against Dirty Air (DADA), regarding Climate Action Plan for Burlington (EICS-01-20) 1.EICS-01-20 Steve Rieck (1).pdf8.Staff Remarks: 9.Committee Remarks: 10.Adjournment: 8:01 p.m. (recessed), 8:08 p.m. (reconvened) Chair adjourned the meeting at 10:01 p.m.No Item Selected This item has no attachments1.EICS-01-20 Climate Action Plan for Burlington.pdf2.EICS-01-20 Appendix A.pdf3.EICS-01-20 Appendix B.pdf4.EICS-01-20 Appendix C.pdf5.EICS-01-20 Appendix D Climate Action Plan Engagement Strategy.pdf1.RS-02-20 Tyandaga - Park and Golf Course.pdf1.Low Density Residential and Infill Development - managing grading and drainage.pdf1.CW-08-20 Mary Alice St. James.pdf1.CW-08-20 Leslie Barbetta.pdf1.EICS-01-20 Vince Fiorito.pdf1.EICS-01-20 Patricia Robinson.pdf1.EICS-01-20 Mervyn Russell.pdf1.MO-05-20.Support for Ontario Conservation Auhtorities.pdf2.MO-O5-20 Appendix A - Letter to Minister Yurek re CAs March 2020 (002).pdf1.EICS-01-20 staff presentation.pdf1.EICS-01-20 Steve Rieck .pdf1.CA Support Resolution - Burlington final.pdf1.MO-05-20 Hassaan Basit.pdf1.CW-08-20 Mary Alice St. James(1).pdf1.CW-08-20 Leslie Barbetta(1).pdf1.EICS-01-20 Vince Fiorito(1).pdf1.EICS-01-20 Patricia Robinson(1).pdf1.EICS-01-20 Mervyn Russell(1).pdf1.EICS-01-20 Steve Rieck (1).pdf