Burlington Sustainable Development Advisory Committee Meeting


Meeting #:
Room 247, Level 2, City Hall

Tim Park (chair), Jim Feilders (vice-chair), Herb Sinnock, Farzaneh Farahani, Bob Burchett, Susan Mattine, Jillian Gorbold, Hashem Hosseini-Mousavi, Virginia Linaja, Mathew McAuley, Glenn Portch

Gareth Williams (vol), Georgie Gartside (Clerk)

Carolyn Barnes, Katie Rauscher, Chris Maynard, Herb Lewington, Tania Barlow, Councillor Sharman, Lynn Robichaud (staff)

Minutes approved from meeting held April 18, 2018.


The comments for 409 Brant Street will be forwarded to Leah for distribution. Leah to report back to the committee on distribution.

Event was so well attended that all of the trees were planted in 45 minutes.

Jim advised that the event was well attended by approximately 100 people. The attendees left feeling positive and optimistic. MPP Eleanor McMahon shared that funds were going to be given to Burlington for transit initiatives.

Hashem advised that approximately 200 people attended the event. The main topic was about the potential for Burlington to develop agriculturally. There was also discussion about improving sustainability.

On behalf of Lynn, Georgie advised that the developer for the Georgian Courts development will attend the June COW meeting. Jim advised that Carriage Gate Homes and New Horizon Homes are also interested in coming to speak to the committee.

Farzaheh advised that the spring event at Central Library was very well attended with over 60 people. Some lessons learned: didn’t ensure speakers were not from same subject group or have speakers before hand, didn't know what speakers would be talking about and didn’t have survey/feedback forms. There was a good presentation about planting that would have been better at the start of the event.
The main topic for the September 13 event is fall yard and garden care. Speakers are being lined up.

A third page will be created on the carbon savings app to make the app look less busy and information will be added about the resources used to create the app.

The April 21 clean up was well attended with approximately 50 people and 40 bags of garbage collected.

The SDC annual tour is tentative for October 10 from 6-8 pm subject to the actual venue.

Jillian shared that the City of Mississauga has partnered with Blackwood Gallery to offer a climate change disruptive art event that will shut down a whole area on Lakeshore Road. Details of the event are available at: http://blackwoodgallery.ca/exhibitions/2018/WorkofWind.html

Tim and Jim met with planning staff and agreed to hold a workshop to discuss concerns about the development reviews. This will be in the fall.
Glenn shared that the Official Plan was adopted by City Council on April 26. Links are provided in the May 2 subcommittee minutes.
The draft Official Plan letter from SDC, drafted by Guy, will be discussed at P&D and probably become part of the workshop topics.

The letter for developers at the preconsultation meeting was finalized.

Updates regarding the work on the Mobility Hubs were sent around from members who attended via email.

Hashem is the project manager for 2421 New Street. Comments are due to Lisa by June 21 so this item will be on June 20 SDC COW meeting.

Herb provided highlights of the progress report on the Community Energy Plan that went to the May 7 Committee of the Whole meeting (Link to May 7 agenda). The CEP is reframing the Provincial GHG targets. There is a serious need for electrification of transportation and buildings. Our progeress has been a slight decrease in GHG per capita.
Upcoming meetings: Energy Efficiency Task Force on May 24 and Stakeholder Advisory Committee on June 8.
Jim suggested we need to show some initiative on a large-scale basis related to energy efficiency and questioned if we have enough people involved with the community energy plan. This will be discussed at Awareness to see who would like to become involved. Lynn will be asked for guidance.

Hashem attended a Sustainable Hamilton Burlington event on April 26 at RBG called The Funding Connection. The provincial government has dedicated money through the Green Ontario Fund to assist business owners with GHG reduction.

Jim advised that he is now the vice-president of BurlingtonGreen and is no longer on the advocacy team. BG is continuing with their grant and hiring people. They also have a new office at Crossroads Centre.

Tim advised that he and Jim met with Lynn, Leah and Danielle Manton, Manager of Committee & Election Services, regarding the development letter. City staff will be doing a workshop in the fall with SDC related to development comments and a review of the committee's terms of reference.

Jim and Susan expressed interest in taking the Tree Tenders Volunteer Training with session 1 being held on May 29. The committee approved funding for up to three members to take the training. Moved by Bob; seconded by Mathew.

Chair adjourned the meeting at 8:14 p.m.

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