Heritage Burlington Advisory Committee Meeting


Meeting #:

Michele Camacho (Chair), Don Thorpe, Barry Duffey, Marsha Paley, Angela Richardson, Sille Nygaard Mikkelsen, Len Collins and Rob Korporaal

Marwa Refaat, Jenna Dobson and Alan Harrington

Councillor Shawna Stolte, John O'Reilly (Heritage Planner) and Jo-Anne Rudy (Clerk)

The Chair read the land acknowledgement.

On motion, the minutes from the meeting held December 15, 2022, were approved as presented.

  • John provided a brief overview of the property and advised that on May 17, 2022 Council directed that Unsworth House at 977 Unsworth Drive be subject to a professional heritage evaluation and a statement of significance (SOS) be prepared. Heritage consultant, Megan Hobson, prepared the SOS which was circulated to members on November 2, 2022. John requested members to review the SOS and make a recommendation to council about the property's eligibility for heritage designation.
  • Members discussed and were in full agreement that this property be designated. Motion - Whereas 977 Unsworth Avenue meets the criteria for determining cultural heritage value or interest under Ontario Regulation 9/06, the Heritage Burlington Advisory Committee recommends that City Council proceed to designate the property under section 29 of the Ontario Heritage Act. CARRIED
  • John advised that Bill 23 The "More Homes Built Faster Act, 2022" received Royal Assent on November 29, 2022, with many amendments that came into force on January 1, 2023. John explained some of the changes and noted that the City now has to designate a property that is on the Register within 2 years. Community Planning staff will be meeting to discuss a strategy moving forward.
  • John stated that the Downtown Heritage Study and Engagement Program Survey is on the City's Get Involved page and has received over 167 responses. John asked members to share the survey with their contacts in the heritage community.
  • This Subcommittee will need a new Chair with Don not returning to the Committee. Heritage Week will be held Aug 7 to 13 in 2023.
  • Marsha advised that this Subcommittee met twice in 2022 and provided input to Forestry staff regarding the Tree Canopy and Woodlots. She expressed the importance of the new Honour Roll of Trees and this Subcommittee continuing to assist staff with that work. John noted that Forestry staff would like to have input on the role of this Subcommittee and how Heritage can help.
  • The committee discussed the 2023 work plan and identified the following initiatives to focus on:
    • Identify and protect properties from demolition
    • Support property owners through reviewing process for heritage permits/grants
    • Educate the public
    • Celebrate our heritage and culture.
  • It was noted that subcommittees will need to be struck in order to get the work completed.
  • The work plan and budget will be further discussed at the February 8, 2023 meeting.
  • Jo-Anne advised that the recruitment deadline for advisory committees was January 9, 2023 and applications will be reviewed by the interview panel and interviews conducted in late January.

Chair adjourned the meeting at 8:37 p.m.