Integrated Transportation Advisory Committee Meeting


Meeting #:
Room 247, Level 2, City Hall

Alan Kirkpatrick, Kerry Eaton, Brian Hayman, Don Thorpe, Ken Rutter, Doug Benton, Devon Ambrose, Tim Park

Councillor Lancaster, Kayla van Zon, Devon Ambrose, Rob Proctor

Kaylan Edgcumbe (transportation services), Garth Rowland (transit), John Zaloznik (transportation services), Lisa Palermo (Clerk)

On motion, the minutes of the meeting held November 21, 2016 were approved as presented.

Kendra discussed the relationship between health and transportation. Kendra provided information regarding her role with Public Health, the initiatives her team is working on, and ideas on how ITAC and Public Health can work together in the future.

Public Health is mandated to work with municipalities. Kendra's team works on the five pillars of a healthy built environment. A healthy transportation network is one pillar that falls within her responsibility. Public Health identifies issues that matter to the community and builds awareness, engagement opportunities and resources to the community. For example, working with older adults transitioning from driving to public transportation.

Kendra's team coordinates youth engagement opportunities by going into high schools and speaking to students about community matters like transportation and health. Kendra asked ITAC members to get involved in the school speaker series. ITAC members endorsed participation in the project but with the timing being tight, suggested that they get involved next year. Members provided Kendra with some possible topics: pedestrian traffic, goods movement, driverless vehicles, car sharing, etc..

Kaylan relayed that staff will be providing a report to the Committee of the Whole-Workshop on April 2. The new Official Plan along with the new Transportation Vision and Directions will be presented. Staff is seeking council's endorsement of the plans.
The public engagement schedule for the Official Plan and Transportation Plan is being finalized. Staff will seek assistance from ITAC members to meet with the public at various locations throughout the city. Once the details are available, the public engagement calendar will be shared with members so their time can be scheduled.
Draft comments were prepared and shared with members for review and editing.

Motion: to submit ITAC's comments to Committee of the Whole-Workshop, for their information and consideration at their meeting to be held on April 2.

This item was deferred to the next ITAC meeting.

Transit staff are working to secure a consultant as they move forward with the Transit Plan. Staff continue to investigate the pros and cons of transit coverage vs. ridership, and a frequent transit network. Transit staff intend to present a report to council in the fall. Once more details are known, ITAC and the transit subcommittee will be engaged in the conversation.

The consultation process by Metrolinx is nearing it's end. There are multiple papers available to comment on. In the interest of time, members agreed to provide input regarding the Active Transportation Background paper prepared by Metrolinx as part of their Big Move consultation. Ken, Brian and Doug will prepare draft comments to be shared with all members for review prior to submitting to Metrolinx.
Don, Doug, Ken and Al will be attending the Bay Area Transportation Forum along with staff, to represent the interests of Burlington and the goals and objectives of ITAC (Cycling and BAAC). Information from the Forum will be shared back with members at the next meeting.
  • Members requested a listing of upcoming events, meetings, speaker series, etc. that are connected to the goals and objectives of ITAC, that inform the work of ITAC and that ITAC may have an interest in participating in, being informed about, etc. Lisa will connect with appropriate staff and citizen committees to compile the information to share with members.

  • Al provided an update regarding the parking standards review. A draft consultant report has been prepared and will be circulated to stakeholders for comment. ITAC will be asked to provide comments to council.

  • It was brought to the committee's attention that a new Rural Active Transportation Study will soon be underway. A stakeholder group is in the process of being coordinated. Discussion will include cycling, walking and the widening of road shoulders, etc. More information to come.

  • Staff will be reporting to council in November regarding the New Street cycle lanes. Staff is in the process of gathering data to inform the report and recommendation to council.
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