Burlington Downtown Parking Advisory Committee Meeting


Meeting #:
Members participating remotely (virtual)

Robert Steven (Chair), Councillor Lisa Kearns, Brian Dean, Andrew Pawlowsky, Pam Belgrade, Kim Johnny, Susan Morrissey,

Kerry Davren, Vito Tolone, Mike Weir, Hayley Parkinson, Jenna Puletto, Tracy O’Neil

Barry Glazier

On motion, the minutes of the meeting held March 3, 2020 were approved as presented.

1st:  Pam Belgrade,  2nd:  Susan Morrissey

As of mid-March 2020, the city stopped collecting revenue for parking and lessened enforcement in the downtown.  The DPC discussed the financial impact to the reserve fund and the need to reinstate paid parking.   With the staged reopening there has been an increase in demand for parking in the downtown area. 

At the previous DPC meeting, December Free Parking was discussed.  Brian Dean and Councillor Kearns re-surveyed the Burlington Downtown Business Area (BDBA). It was determined that BDBA members do not want to continue with the Free Parking Program and Brian Dean, Executive Director of the BDBA will no longer support the program.

The DPC is supportive to the reinstatement of paid parking in the downtown and the removal of the December Free P parking program as determined at the February 6, 2020 and March 3, 2020 DPC Committee meetings.


Action Items: 

  • Staff to submit a report to Council on the reinstatement of paid parking in the downtown effective August 1, 2020 or shortly thereafter.
  • City of Burlington Communications to assist with a communication plan regarding upcoming changes.
  • Parking Services staff to review safety options for machines (plastic covers, payment without touching keypad).

The DPC discussed the downtown lane closures and the restaurant patios that were installed to accommodate social distancing requirements. 

To date the responses have been positive from both businesses and patrons.  The only issue that has been raised concerns the esthetics around patios that were made using pylons and fences.   Is there a way for beautification of these areas if there are to continue long-term? 

The patio program will continue until January 2021 and there is no impact to the program with the reinstatement of paid parking.

Please forward any concerns on this issue to Hayley Parkinson or Vito Tolone.

Danny Pimentel provided an update on the PXO crosswalk that will be installed later this year at the Elgin Promenade and Elizabeth Street.  The informal pedestrian crossing on Elizabeth street will be blocked by allowing people to park in that area.  This will promote people to cross at Pine Street or at the new PXO crosswalk.   The installation of the new PXO would mean the loss of one parking space.  Staff reviewed and determined that an additional space can be added to that area dependent on if the space is a loading zone or parking space.   Each new space will include the installation of the sensor.

Action:  Staff, in consultation with Brian Dean, to determine which type of space will be installed in the area (loading zone or parking space).

Councillor Kearns mentioned that the parking markings on Brant Street in front of Tamp/Burro need to be reviewed and possibly repainted.  Paint has faded and in some areas re-painting has occurred of over existing lines which has caused confusion.

Action:  Staff to review the condition of all downtown pavement markings and fix where necessary.  An update to be provided at the next meeting.

Staff were asked to review the monthly permit holders in high use lots to see if there was any that would be willing to relocate to an underutilized area to increase availability for daily parking.

Action: Parking services to review monthly permit holders and provide an update at the next DPC meeting.

Kerry Davren is now the Manager of By-law Enforcement and is no longer with Parking Services. For all parking inquiries, please contact Hayley Parkinson.

  • Review of Membership/Citizen Committee Representatives.
  • Monthly Paid Permit Review
  • Downtown Parking Needs Assessment Study
  • Electronic Parking/Messaging Signs
  • By-law update
  • Business Intelligence Update

Chair adjourned the meeting at 10:10 a.m.


Next Meeting
Sep 10, 2020
8:30 AM-10:30 AM