Burlington Downtown Parking Advisory Committee Meeting


Meeting #:

Robert Steven (Chair), Councillor Lisa Kearns, Brian Dean, Kim Johnny, Andrew Pawlowsky, Pam Belgrade, Susan Morrissey

Mike Weir, Hayley Parkinson, Tracy O’Neil, Vito Tolone, Robert Catherall, Najia Shaikh (Observer)

Brynn Nheiley, Barry Glazier

On motion, the minutes of the meeting held July 21, 2020 were approved as presented.

  1st       Brian Dean
  2nd         Susan Morrissey



A report to remove the Free P Parking Program and reinstate paid parking in December has been submitted to the Community Planning, Regulation and Mobility Committee for consideration on October 6th. The amending by-law will also be submitted for Council approval.

Action:  Brian Dean and Robert Steven will register to attend the committee meeting as a delegation.

In February, the DPC committee discussed how to encourage turnover and increase access to on-street parking.   One item discussed was the change of on-street parking times from 3 hours to 2 hours and understand the impact of any changes.

In order for the DPC to make an evidence-based decision, along with the sensor data information, it is necessary to canvas the BDBA membership for feedback on the proposed changes. 

Action:  Councillor Kearns, Brian Dean, Vito Tolone and Hayley Parkinson to meet offline to discuss the different variables.

Action:  Brian Dean and Kim Johnny to canvas the BDBA membership to get their feedback on the proposed time changes (variables) and report back the results at the next meeting.

Parking Services staff will be reviewing monthly permit locations and can adjust areas to free up parking on-street and in lots closer to the business

Action:   An update to be provided at the next meeting.

This project has been delayed.  The members asked if this study could be completed in a phased approach which would ensure that we have the information in order to capitalize on any government funding program opportunities that may become available.

Action:  Staff will consider a phased approach as the Terms of Reference for the Request for Proposal is being created and will share the Terms of Reference with Committee at a later date. 

A summary memo to be provided to the DPC to update on the Official Plan work in the Downtown and provide clarity on the City-Wide Parking Standards and Public Parking Needs Assessment.

Deferred to next meeting

Staff to provide an overview of the 2020/2021 Current Budget at the next meeting.  The DPC would like additional information on COVID-19 and its effects to the 2020 budget and impacts to the reserve.

2021 Budget Timelines:

  • January 25, 2021 – Capital Budget Approval
  • February 10, 2021 – Operating Budget Review and Approval

Action: Staff to provide clarity on the use of the parking reserve funds in the current COVID-19 mitigation measures and provide an overview of the 2020/2021 budget situation.

A staff committee has been created to determine the green parking design guidelines.  Any new parking asset in the downtown will include these guidelines.  A consultant has been hired and further updates will be provided at the next meeting.

Action:   An update to be provided at the next meeting.

Staff are continuing to work with the vendor to fix the problem with the electronic parking signs. 

Action:   An update to be provided at the next meeting.

Report TS-24-20 - December Free P Parking Program has been submitted to the Community Planning, Regulation and Mobility Committee for consideration on October 6th.

As the Citizen Advisory Committee review has been completed, the DPC will participate in the next Clerks advisory committee recruitment.

Is there a way to provide clarification on the intent of the 20-minute grace period?

Action:   Staff to prepare an explanation to DPC on the intent of 20-minutes grace period.

Is there a way that the public can extend their purchase time if they realize they didn’t purchase enough?

Action:  Staff to review machine programing on how to extend time purchase.

There was a committee request to explore 1-hour parking opportunities.

Action:  Staff to review and provide an update at the next meeting on short stay parking.

Chair adjourned the meeting at 10:45 a.m.

Next Meeting:  

November 5, 2020
8:30 AM-10:30 AM