Heritage Burlington Advisory Committee Meeting


Meeting #:
Room 305, Level 3, City Hall
426 Brant Street, Burlington, Ontario

Howard Bohan (Chair), Rick Wilson, Jeff Sutcliffe, Albert Faccenda, Pauline Laing, Elena Dyagileva-Kavanagh, Maggie Steiss, Sharon Portelli, Sille Nygaard Mikkelsen and John Vice 

Councillor Marianne Meed Ward (arrived at 8:30 p.m.), Thomas Douglas, Heritage Planner and Jo-Anne Rudy (Clerk)

Jim O'Neill, Michele Camacho and Torey Hunt

On motion, Pauline Laing was elected as Vice Chair of the Heritage Burlington Advisory Committee for the term ending December 31, 2018.

Todd provided an update on the Downtown Streetscape Design Guidelines and highlighted some of the work that has been completed to date. Todd noted that the guidelines will provide the foundation for a consistent, unified, cohesive look across the downtown and ensure an appropriate level of service is in place to maintain the streetscape through the years. The boundary for the guidelines is the same as the Downtown Business Improvement Area and is organized into four "character areas" - Lakeshore Road, Brant Street, Downtown Core District and Residential District. Todd advised that the guidelines will make recommendations for street furniture, sidewalk/boulevard materials, street trees, storm water management and he shared some examples for each area. Open Houses will be held on May 17 from 1 to 3 p.m. and 6:30 to 8:30 p.m. at the Art Gallery of Burlington and the report will be going to Council in July.

  • Committee had comments regarding the accessibility of the benches, setbacks of podiums for new developments, material used for sidewalks and flex streets. Concern was expressed with the lack of a Transportation and Transit Plan to connect this information with.
  • Members were asked to review guidelines and send comments to Howard who will submit to Planning on behalf of the committee.
  • Thomas advised that he received a notice of intention to demolish the house at 418 Burlington Avenue which is listed on the Municipal Register but not designated.  Planning staff retained ARA to conduct a more detailed analysis and requested the committee's Evaluation Subcommittee to review the property using the draft evaluation guidelines. Staff have prepared a report that recommends designation that will go to Council on June 4; however, due to report submission deadlines and the Heritage Act 60 day period, it was not possible for staff to formally consult Heritage Burlington prior to writing the report and requested that the committee forward their comments directly to Council.
  • Sharon and Pauline provided a summary of their evaluations, on behalf of the Evaluations Subcommittee, and stated that there were a limited number of attributes that would qualify this property for designation. Suggestion was made to set up a meeting with the owner to discuss options available.
    Action - Thomas to set up meeting with owner.
  • Significant discussion took place regarding the designation of this property with members having varying opinions on whether to force designate.
    Motion - Remove the property known as 418 Burlington Avenue from the Municipal Register of Cultural Heritage Resources. CARRIED
  • Thomas provided a brief update on the "Around the Bay" Race 15 mile milestone and the Lowville Schoolhouse.
  • Thomas advised that as discussed at the April committee meeting, the Brant Street Design Vision Task Force has been working on refining the area of the heritage study for the Downtown Mobility Hub and has compiled photos and a draft list of properties/streetscapes to be included. Thomas showed a map highlighting these properties in blue (#1 priority) and pink (#2 priority) and added that staff built on these selections and identified a number of cluster properties that could be included in the study which were highlighted in yellow and green on the map. 
  • Thomas asked members to review whether the clusters accurately capture the areas of interest that Heritage Burlington wants to see included in the study and to prioritize the importance of the clusters.
    Motion - Direct the Chair to accept recommendations from committee members and provide written comments to Planning staff by May 23. CARRIED
  • Howard advised that the Trust Subcommittee will provide an update at the June meeting.

Chair adjourned the meeting at 9:05 p.m.