Burlington Inclusivity Advisory Committee Meeting

Meeting #:
Room 305, City Hall, third floor

Burlington as we know it today is rich in history and modern traditions of many First Nations and the Métis. From the Anishinaabeg to the Haudenosaunee, and the Métis – our lands spanning from Lake Ontario to the Niagara
Escarpment are steeped in Indigenous history.

The territory is mutually covered by the Dish with One Spoon Wampum Belt Covenant, an agreement between the Indigenous Nations to peaceably share and care for the resources around the Great Lakes.

We acknowledge that the land on which we gather is part of the Treaty Lands and Territory of the Mississaugas of the Credit.

Note this item added (Agenda was published Dec 19 2024 and amended Agenda published Jan 16, 2025)

Updates from Council Meeting 

November, December 2024 and January 2025 

The 2025 budget was approved 

Approval of the implementation of the housing accelerator program for more affordable housing and working with not for profits and the region. 

Endorsement for staff to apply to the Community Sport and Recreation fund for a cricket field at Sherwood Park 

Canal Peir Agreement 

Short Term Accommodation By-Law 

Get Involved 

No new projects have been added, but the Manager of this area, Michelle Dwyer, has announced her retirement.  She has been a strong advocate and leader for public participation in the city.   Some of you may have worked with her over the years.  She will be missed. 

Press Releases 

The City received nearly $14M from the federal government through the Canada Public Transit Fund. 

Robbie Burns Run this weekend.  Some road and land closures downtown 

Burlington Transit Downtown Customer Service is moving to Burlington GO statin in spring 2025 

Provincial Government offers Burlington residents affected by flooding this summer to support through the Disaster Recovery Assistance for Ontarians program. 

Province provides funding for a new mental health unit at Joesph Brant. 

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