Burlington Seniors' Advisory Committee Meeting


Meeting #:
Hybrid Meeting - Virtual and Room 305

John Kalbfleisch (Chair), Kerry McGregor (Vice-Chair), Yaya Andrade, Bob Chepyha, Jill Randall, Meg Uttangi Matsos and Steve Shuta 

 Margaret Doma, Nazia White

Angelo Bentivegna Councillor, Catherine Baldelli (Director of Transit), Neal McDonald (Manager of Transit Operations) and Roxanne Gosse (Clerks)

Read by John Kalbfleisch (Chair)

Minutes from the meeting held on June 24, 2024, were approved.

Catherine Baldelli (Director of Transit) and Neal McDonald (Manager of Transit Operations)  The presentation provided an overview of Burlington Transit .

  • Information regarding Fare Free Transit Initiatives, that in 2023, Burlington City Council approved Free Transit for Youth –Evenings and Weekends and Free Transit for Seniors –All day every day, to qualify for the SPLIT Program: 

Burlington Transit provides free monthly transit passes for Burlington residents, ages 13 to 64. You must be approved for Halton Region's Subsidized Passes for Low-Income Transit (SPLIT) Program. If you are 65 and over, your ride is free all day, every day when you tap your PRESTO card. Riders must get a PRESTO card from the downtown terminal on John Street or at any Shoppers Drug Mart – proof of age is required to get a fare card for seniors, youth and child – cost is $4

For more information,  visit Halton Region’s Subsidized Passes for Low-Income Transit (SPLIT) Program web page. Here you will find if you are eligible for their program and how to apply.

The presentation also, spoke to some of the community engagement tools:

  1. Transit Travel Training: 
    Seniors, Outreach and engagement at Residences, Senior Centres, Centre for Skills, Transit travel and training for new comers to Canada

  2. Enhancements made to Specialized Transit bookings: 
    Passenger Portal, text message notifications letting passengers know when driver is coming

The delegation provided information in regards to bus drivers continuing to drive when riders are not fully in their seats. There are protocols in place but Transit will make drivers aware of the issue. 

Chair stated that it was unfortunate that committee could not attend this years Food for Feedback event. John noted that everyone was sent information regarding the Downtown Parking Plan

None at this time.

Meg Uttangi Matsos provided the following information:

  1. Culture Days is celebrated across the province from Sept. 20 to Oct. 13. There are events happening across the city and BPL is hosting author talks and hands on art programs.
  2. Orange Shirt Day: BPL programs, button-making activity, and resources to support National Day of Truth and Reconciliation on Monday, September 30th
  3. Technology Survey BPL participates in a province-wide initiative that looks at technology services offered by public libraries. Share your thoughts on how you use BPL's technology services, whether it's accessing the Internet, taking tech classes, or seeking help from our staff. The survey is open until Oct 4th
  4. CEO’s Corner – Fall 2024 article: Our CEO, Lita Barrie, posts a seasonal article focused on different aspects of library news. This fall, she shared the results of our annual Customer Satisfaction Survey. Thank you to the 4440 people who responded, 66% of whom are age 55+. Some points mentioned in today’s meeting:
    - 95% of respondents said that overall, the public library has a positive impact on their life. Access to books
      no-cost programs, and free space to study, work, and socialize were all listed as important library services.
    - One of the pillars in BPL’s strategic plan is to enhance community well-being. The survey asked library customers
      what aspects of community well-being are most important to them. From a list of options, the five most popular
      aspects were:
      a) Access to healthcare, including mental healthcare
      b) Ability to affordably live, work, and play in the same community
      c) Support for people of all ages across their lifespan
      d) Greenspace and parks  
      e) Access to quality education and information  
     - At the end of the article, Lita focuses on our look ahead with upcoming budget proceedings and how the library is
       working with the City to ensure we have adequate funding to continue to offer the services our community has
       grown to love.

Steve Shuta stated that their committee had great turn out at Food for Feedback. The main feedback from the community is the for more cycling infrastructure. 

The committee had a great turn out for Food for Feedback. The committee was able to confirm that there are hearing devices at Burlington rentals. Naza to inform staff. 

John Kalbfleisch will be representing the committee at the "Older Adult Advisory Committee (OAAC).  At the OAAC meeting held September 10th, there were presentations from Mona Jovetic, Citizen Services Specialist, Service Canada and Jennifer DeYoung, Volunteer and Outreach Officer, of the Canada Revenue Agency. 

They provided information on Disability Tax Credits, GST/HST credit, Canada Carbon rebate, Ontario Trillium Benefit, Homeowner’s Property Tax Grant, Canada Workers Benefit, medical and home accessibility expenses, Old Age Security, Canada Pension Plan benefits, the Canadian Dental Care Plan, My Service Canada Account and other topics. Note that common tax credits and deductions for adults 65+ can be reviewed at Canada.ca/taxes-seniors.

Also, Jonathan Lo, Quality and Integration Coordinator, for Services for Seniors Strategic Plan, he discussed the Services for Seniors Strategic Plan for 2025 - 2027. The priority areas and goals were presented. It was unfortunate to note that the waitlist for assisted living across Ontario is approximately 35,000 people.

There was information from the Senior’s Working Action Group on Medical Assistance in Dying and CARP (see attached) 

Ya Ya Andrade was very pleased with Burlington Inclusivity Advisory Committee's success at Food for Feedback. Ya Ya stressed the importance being in the community and providing a presence is essential to community.  

The Committee did not attend this year's event. Hope to attend next year.

There will be a flag rising on October 3rd at 10:00 am. 

On motion to have Kaylan Edgcumbe, Manager, Integrated Mobility and Stephanie Robinson, Transportation Planning Technologist from Transportation attend the October 25, 2024 committee meeting.

Roxanne advised everyone that recruitment will begin in October and information will be distributed once it becomes available. 

Roxanne advised the committee to start thinking about the 2025 workplan and that the annual report for 2024 which is due in early November. 

Chair adjourned the meeting at 11:41 a.m.