John Kalbfleisch will be representing the committee at the "Older Adult Advisory Committee (OAAC). At the OAAC meeting held September 10th, there were presentations from Mona Jovetic, Citizen Services Specialist, Service Canada and Jennifer DeYoung, Volunteer and Outreach Officer, of the Canada Revenue Agency.
They provided information on Disability Tax Credits, GST/HST credit, Canada Carbon rebate, Ontario Trillium Benefit, Homeowner’s Property Tax Grant, Canada Workers Benefit, medical and home accessibility expenses, Old Age Security, Canada Pension Plan benefits, the Canadian Dental Care Plan, My Service Canada Account and other topics. Note that common tax credits and deductions for adults 65+ can be reviewed at
Also, Jonathan Lo, Quality and Integration Coordinator, for Services for Seniors Strategic Plan, he discussed the Services for Seniors Strategic Plan for 2025 - 2027. The priority areas and goals were presented. It was unfortunate to note that the waitlist for assisted living across Ontario is approximately 35,000 people.
There was information from the Senior’s Working Action Group on Medical Assistance in Dying and CARP (see attached)