Burlington Accessibility Advisory Committee Meeting


Meeting #:

Cindy Bond (Vice Chair), Tricia Pokorny, Brenda Agnew, Doug Benton, John Kalbfeisch, Khadija Zafar

Adam Spencer, Ron Baliko, Morgan Callaway, Barbara Davis, Cheryl Hurst, Councillor Bentivegna

Heather Martyn (Burlington Public Library), Suzanne Gillies (Clerk)

On motion the minutes from the meeting held May 13, 2021 were approved as presented.

Cindy advised the committee that there are no major updates to report.  Due to a turnover in staff, she no longer has a contact the Art Gallery of Burlington to approach for the next video for the anti-isolation initiative.  Judi offered to connect Cindy with the new Executive Director in order to keep this initiative moving forward.  Cindy will set up another meeting with the working group to brainstorm more possibilities for people/organizations to interview.  Suzanne will follow up with communications staff to confirm how long the turn around is to get a video closed captioned and posted on the website.  

Doug provided the following updates:

  • the last ITAC meeting was on June 21, they discussed that during Covid Handivan services had a 60% reduction of users, does this stat show that the Handivan service is used for non-essential travel?  Should users be encouraged more to use the Handivan for non-essential uses? 
  • Members commented that the Handivan services does not allow for spontaneous use which can make it difficult to use for non-planned (going to the movies, shopping with friends...) outings
  • Judi has brought this up with Transit staff in the past and suggested that the committee be prepared to speak to this next month when Transit staff are at the meeting to speak to on-demand transit services.  Cindy to lead the group in discussing language regarding the on-demand services to provide feedback

Judi was interested if anyone from the committee provided feedback to the Province regarding the proposed new AODA standards.  

Branda advised that she has been providing feedback through her role with Easter Seals, they have brainstormed recommendations and provided them as feedback.

No one has had a chance to review the proposed new healthcare standards.

The committee brainstormed the following ideas for International Day of Person's with Disabilities:

  • Could we develop a logo and have a flag made to be flown at City Hall?  Could we use the IDPD logo for a flag?
  • Light the pier blue and white?
  • Lighting at City Hall?

Judi highlighted a few of the projects she has been working on.

Just a placeholder on the agenda for future discussions.  This workplan for 2022 will need to be completed and approved at the January committee meeting.

Suzanne advised the committee that recruitment is starting to be discussed within the Clerks team, however timing is still to be finalized.

Suzanne provided a brief summary of an issue a resident had regarding an electric scooter.  Suzanne will provide the email to the committee for further discussion.

Chair adjourned the meeting at 8:30 p.m.

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