Burlington Cycling Advisory Committee Meeting


Meeting #:

Chris Scotland (Chair), Brett Moore, Claudia Segatore, Laura Fowlie, Mohamed Abdel-Aziz, Katherine Dobson, Tracey Almeida, Rob Todd, Greg Pace, Mohamed Sayed, Nancy Gray, James Dekens

Jon Millman, Pat Binnie, Vicki Trottier

Councillor Kelvin Galbraith, Dan Ozimkovic (Transportation Planning Technologist), Kristin Sprukulis (Clerk)

On motion, the minutes from the meeting held March 30, 2021 were approved as presented.

On motion, the changes to the 2021 Cycling Committee meeting schedule were approved. These included moving the May 25th meeting to May 18th, and the November 30th meeting to November 23rd. 

The committee went around and introduced themselves to the group so they could get to know each other. This included why they wanted to join the committee, what interests them about the committee and any past experiences that will be useful on the committee. 

The committee discussed the workplan, what initiatives they wanted to do, what to include in the budget and who will take the lead on aspects of the workplan.

ACTION: This will be continued and approved at the meeting on May 18, 2021.

Dan shared the following information:

  • The Plains Road Cycling facility will be the first protective facility. It will run from Waterdown road to the Royal Botanical Gardens. There is going to be a cycle track on the north side and protected area on the south side. The next steps for the Cycling Committee will be to attend and comment on the public information session when that is scheduled. 
  • Currently looking for ideas on how to promote cycling and active transportation in schools and what can be done for Bike Month.
  • 529 Garage- Both school boards were very interested in this opportunity to register their bikes online. 
  • The city has a bike rack program that will provide bike racks to organizations who need them, the organization will just need to install them. 

ACTION: Dan to send the draft cycling map PDF to Kristin to distribute for comments with a deadline of May 10th. 

Greg provided an update on the Integrated Transportation Advisory Committee. This included updates on photo radar, transit on demand, and issues with construction and cycling. Also informed that via the Integrated Mobility Plan it has been found that 77% of local trips in Burlington can be done through sustainable transportation and the most popular choice for sustainable use would be cycling.