Burlington Accessibility Advisory Committee Meeting


Meeting #:

Tricia Pokorny, Doug Benton, Ron Baliko, Cindy Bond, Barbara Davis, John Kalbfeisch, Cheryl Hurst

Adam Spencer, Brenda Agnew, Rachel Cloutier, Morgan Callaway, Khadija Zafar, Councillor Bentivegna

Judi Lytle (Accessibility Coordinator), Shannon Cole (Business Service Coordinator), Catherine Baldelli (Manager of Planning and Business Services - Transit), Rob Hagley (Marketing & Customer Service Coordinator), Suzanne Gillies (Clerk)

On motion the minutes from the meeting held September 9, 2021 were approved as presented.

Adam provided an overview of the upgrades planned for the changerooms at the Beachway Park pavillion.  Members were asked for their feedback and ideas of what should be included to ensure the changeroom is fully accessible.  The committee provided the following suggestions:  adult change table, shower (even if just for rinsing), railing needed, sharps container, grade 1 brail on all signage.  If the committee has any additional thoughts/suggestions after the meeting please email Judi as she is working closely with Adam on this project.  

Catherine and Shannon provided an update on the on-demand pilot program.  Committee members had questions regarding the need to book the service two weeks in advance as it does not leave room for spontaneous outings.  Staff advised committee members that the new software being implemented for booking of the service will address booking issues and automate the service better allowing for efficiencies.  This  will allow staff to optimize what resources we currently have, then if services are not significantly improved that will point to the need to look at resources.  The new software will be launched soon, at this time there is no specific date.  Committee members suggested that the improvements to the regular service be communicated to the public, this may allow for users of the on-demand or Handivan programs to consider using regular services if and when possible.  The committee also suggested increased education on how to ride the bus.  

Cindy advised the committee that she is in talks with Miles Rusak, Executive Director of the Sound of Music Festival, to do an interview for the anti-isolation initiative.  Suzanne advised the committee that closed captioning of interview videos can be done in 5 business days.

Doug advised the committee that at the last ITAC meeting they had a working group/session regarding On-demand transit and the committee received a similar update as was provided tonight to this committee.  

Suzanne advised the committee that she did some research regarding having a flag designed and made for IDPD.  She shared three design options for the committee to choose from.  The committee agreed that option '3' was the preferred design option.  

MOTION:  approve spending up to $400 to purchase 2 IDPD flags with the preferred design option #3 - CARRIED 

The committee discussed if a reboot of the Respect the Space campaign could be kicked off with IDPD.  Ron to look at the current information and advise if any changes are required.

Judi opened the floor for questions on items in the report. 

A member asked about BOLD font and what that does for e-readers - it was determined and communicated to communications staff that using BOLD font makes no difference for an e-reader. 

A member asked if any of the site plans she has reviewed are of any interest to the committee, anything specific stick out that should be addressed.  Judi could not think of one specific recurring theme, and mentioned that it is hard to get the committee members involved in reviewing plans while meeting virtually. 

Suzanne reminded the committee that this needs to be approved at the January committee meeting.

Chair adjourned the meeting at 8:40 p.m.