Heritage Burlington Advisory Committee Meeting


Meeting #:

Michele Camacho (Chair), Don Thorpe, Sille Nygaard Mikkelsen, David Barker, Barry Duffey, Angela Richardson, Len Collins, Jenna Dobson, Robert Korporaal, Alan Harrington, Rick Wilson and Dan Allan (alternate)

Marwa Refaat

Councillor Rory Nisan, Kevin Arjoon (City Clerk), Todd Evershed (Coordinator of Urban Design and Special Projects) and Jo-Anne Rudy (Clerk)

The Chair read the following land acknowledgement:

Burlington as we know it today is rich in history and modern traditions of many First Nations and the Métis. From the Anishinaabeg to the Haudenosaunee, and the Métis – our lands spanning from Lake Ontario to the Niagara Escarpment are steeped in Indigenous history. The territory is mutually covered by the Dish with One Spoon Wampum Belt Covenant, an agreement between the Iroquois Confederacy, the Ojibway and other allied Nations to peaceably share and care for the resources around the Great Lakes.

We would like to acknowledge that the land on which we gather is part of the Treaty Lands and Territory of the Mississaugas of the Credit.

On motion, the minutes from the meeting held September 22, 2021 were approved as amended

Delete the fifth bullet under Item 8 - Other Business in its entirety and replace with the following:

  • David asked why there was no agenda item to follow up on the matter noted as Item 6.1.d Planner's Update in the July 14, 2021 committee minutes and asked if Danika had consulted with Legal as to who would initiate enforcement and how this would be done. David gave his opinion as to who would initiate legal action and how that might be done in the event of damage to or demolition of a heritage property. He also drew the Committee's attention to the different manner in how initiation of legal action would likely happen in circumstances where damage or destruction of a heritage tree was to occur.
  • Kevin Arjoon, City Clerk, advised that an Election Survey was conducted in Spring 2021 with respect to potential policies or enhancements that could be considered when preparing for the 2022 municipal election. The results of this survey were provided to Council in July 2021 where Council directed staff to seek input from its advisory committees regarding a potential election campaign contribution rebate program and potential ways to enhance election engagement. Kevin briefly explained what a campaign contribution rebate program is and highlighted the 2022 election policy review and engagement plan. Kevin asked the committee for their feedback and noted that a report will be going to Council in December providing a summary of all comments received from the advisory committees.
  • Todd advised that 44 applications for the residential heritage property tax rebate program have been processed and mailed within the last couple of weeks. Todd noted that this program is being extended to eligible commercial heritage properties and packages will be mailed out to these owners by the end of the year.
  • Todd advised that Danika had been in communication with MPAC to put together a listing of buildings in Burlington over 100 years old. MPAC told staff that a custom data request may be required to complete the list and there could be a fee. Staff will proceed to submit a preliminary request and present a cost estimate to the Committee for approval should a fee be required.
  • Michele advised, with regret, that resignations had been received from Trisha Murray and John Ouksouzoglou. She noted that the City will be conducting their recruitment for advisory committees in November/December.
  • The Burlington Historical Society (BHS) has provided online access to their archives.
  • Work is ongoing with BHS on the creation of a list of monuments.
  • Staff from Roads, Parks and Forestry were invited to the November meeting to provide a heritage tree update; however due to capacity, they are unable to attend but noted they could potentially attend a meeting in the New Year.
  • Michele stated that the evaluations working group met to review the available information and discuss strategy moving forward. It was decided that each person would take 19 properties to review to determine whether the historical attributes that were identified in the LACAC reports still exist. Cultural attributes for each property will also be reviewed. When the research is done, the team will meet to discuss and bring forward recommendations to the Committee for discussion. Letters will then go out to property owners to advise whether or not their property will be included in a recommendation to Council to go on the Municipal Register. 
  • Michele advised that 165 notice of evaluation letters were sent out to property owners in August and to date 8 responses have been received, 2 of which were in objection. Working with Communications staff to prepare responses.
  • Len advised that he noticed 468 Locust Street was in a poor state of repair and asked if there is anything the City can do. Todd noted that he will look into it and provide an update at the November meeting.
  • Don stated that the first meeting of the 2022 Heritage Week Subcommittee will be held on November 24 and he invited more members to participate.
  • Alan advised that the globe has been installed on the King Edward Fountain and noted that this is the first time it's been lit in a hundred years. He added that the Roly Bird Chestnut Tree has been replanted near the Cenotaph and also that there would be signage on the Vimy Ridge oaks for Remembrance Day.
  • Len asked about signage for the Pumphouse and Alan noted that he would take to the BHS for discussion.
  • David thanked the BHS and the Marsdens for their persistence in getting the King Edward Fountain repaired and suggested that the Chair send a letter of thanks to them. Action: Michele to prepare letters.
  • David brought up the subject of heritage trees and the City's Honour Roll tree program and suggested that perhaps someone from the Royal Botanical Gardens and/or the Horticultural Society could attend an upcoming meeting to provide more information.