Heritage Burlington Advisory Committee Meeting


Meeting #:

Michele Camacho (Chair), Don Thorpe, David Barker, Barry Duffey, Angela Richardson, Marwa Refaat, Len Collins, Jenna Dobson, Robert Korporaal, Alan Harrington and Rick Wilson

Councillor Rory Nisan, Sille Nygaard Mikkelsen and Dan Allan

Todd Evershed (Coordinator of Urban Design and Special Projects) and Jo-Anne Rudy (Clerk)

The Chair read the following land acknowledgement:

Burlington as we know it today is rich in history and modern traditions of many First Nations and the Métis. From the Anishinaabeg to the Haudenosaunee, and the Métis – our lands spanning from Lake Ontario to the Niagara Escarpment are steeped in Indigenous history. The territory is mutually covered by the Dish with One Spoon Wampum Belt Covenant, an agreement between the Iroquois Confederacy, the Ojibway and other allied Nations to peaceably share and care for the resources around the Great Lakes.

We would like to acknowledge that the land on which we gather is part of the Treaty Lands and Territory of the Mississaugas of the Credit.

  • Todd confirmed that this property is not designated but is listed on the Municipal Register as an "A" property. He informed that renovation work on the interior of this property was begun without a building permit so the City issued an Order to Comply - Stop Work Order. Todd noted options that the committee could consider would be to recommend designation to Council or notify the owner to provide information about designation and the resources available. 
  • Committee expressed concern with the property's state of disrepair and discussed the above options. It was decided that more information about this property related to designation was needed so Michele and Todd will gather some facts and bring to the December meeting for further discussion.  
  • Todd advised that there is information on the City's website with regards to by-law enforcement for properties as it relates to the Building Permit By-law and Property Standards By-law and noted that requests for service can be made on the City's website.
  • Members commented on their interest in enforcement specifically as it relates to when heritage properties are damaged or demolished without following the prescribed process. It was understood that fines through the Ontario Heritage Act are delegated to the municipality so committee asked who would initiate the enforcement and what the process would be from a legal perspective. Todd (and the new Heritage Planner) will work with Legal staff to confirm the members understanding of the process and report back to the Committee at a future meeting.
  • Jo-Anne advised of the following timelines to complete and approve the committee's 2021 annual report and 2022 workplan:
    • December - 2022 workplan discussion
    • January - annual report and workplan to be approved by committee
    • February - report to Council with all advisory committees annual reports and workplans
  • Michele advised that she contacted the Burlington Horticultural Society to ask them to attend this meeting regarding the Honour Roll of Trees; however, they indicated that they had a timing conflict and that the City is completely responsible for the Honour Roll. Committee asked Michele to reach out to the RBG to see if they could attend a future meeting.
  • Michele reminded members of the workshop that Forestry staff are doing with Council on November 22 and asked if members could view this meeting. Jo-Anne advised that members could view the livestream and she would email the information on how to access the livestream to committee.
  • Evaluations are ongoing under Marwa's leadership and work continues with compiling one cohesive, accurate list of all properties. Michele noted that other municipalities lists of registered and designated properties shows the by-law and the date added or removed from the list and she wondered if this information could be added to the City's lists. Todd will work with the new Heritage Planner to explore the possibility of doing this in Burlington.
  • Michele advised that she and Don are meeting with Communications to discuss responses to outstanding property owner's communications.
  • Michele asked about the request to MPAC for a listing of buildings in Burlington over 100 years old. Todd will advise.
  • Jo-Anne provided a brief overview of the recently approved Public Appointment Policy and highlighted the changes that would affect the committee. These changes include appointment terms changing from two 3-year terms to three 2-year terms; appointments will not be made beyond the term of Council; and members from the Burlington Historical Society will be officially appointed by Council and have the same term limits as members.
  • Jo-Anne advised that recruitment for advisory committees begins on Monday, November 15 and ends on Friday, November 26.
  • Alan shared that the new Veteran Square sign near the Cenotaph, beside City Hall, was unveiled yesterday and the new signage for the Vimy Ridge Oaks has been installed.