Burlington Cycling Advisory Committee Meeting


Meeting #:

Chris Scotland (Chair), Claudia Segatore, Jon Millman, Pat Binnie, Laura Fowlie, Mohamed Abdel-Aziz (arrived 7:30 p.m.), Katherine Dobson, Tracey Almeida, Rob Todd, Greg Pace, Mo Sayed, Nancy Gray, James Dekens

Brett Moore, Vicki Trottier

Councillor Kelvin Galbraith, Dan Ozimkovic (Transportation Planning Technologist), Georgie Gartside (Clerk)

On motion, the minutes from the meeting held June 22, 2021 were approved as presented.

Samantha Romlewski, Planner II, and Steve Lucas, Transportation Planning Technologist, provided a presentation regarding the Major Transit Station Areas (MTSA) project, which includes the areas around Aldershot, Burlington and Appleby GO Stations.

Next Steps: the preferred precinct plans will be released in October for public feedback. Plans will then go to Council for endorsement in December. Further engagement will take place in 2022 related to the required Official Plan Amendments.

Project page: getinvolvedburlington.ca/mtsa

Virtual Public Information Meetings: 

Aldershot GO - Oct 13
Burlington GO - Oct 19
Appleby GO - Oct 26
All MTSAs - Nov 2


Can the Cycling Committee delegate to Council on this matter?
The committee can delegate when the plans are presented to Council in December. 

Is the boundary still awaiting approval from the province?
The MTSA boundary delineation was completed through the Region’s official plan process in July and forwarded to the province for final approval. Staff are continuing with those adopted boundaries and anticipate approval from the province in the next few months.

How is density of traffic going to play out with less pollution?
More active transportation facilities will be provided and staff want to have them in place before the communities are built, rather than the other way around.

How will those living in the north be able to travel south to get to the GO trains or downtown?
Cycling Plan includes future active transportation crossings, rather than relying on arterial roads.

Dan advised that engagement for the Rural Active Transportation Strategy will begin in November, not October as stated in the written update attached.

The Ministry of Transportation will be updating the Freeman interchange in the next few years and staff are talking to them about a bridge. The city would be responsible for the cost and maintenance of it.

Dan and Steve shared that the majority of ITAC's Sept. 27 meeting focused on the Integrated Mobility Plan project. Engagement with the public is planned at the end of October, middle of November.

Kenwood Drive, south of school between Spruce and Lakeshore, has a white line painted for parking which has caused confusion; residents think the parking lane is a bike lane. Same concerns on Cavendish Drive.
ACTION: Dan will follow up on this and provide the committee with an update.

Nancy shared that Cycling Without Age is working with transportation planners in Hamilton and made the CBC news: https://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/hamilton/trishaw-1.6192714. Nancy to work offline with Dan to move this forward in Burlington.

Mo asked if special promotions could be done for high density schools related to active transportation? Dan said all Halton school boards and municipalities are part of the Active and Safe Routes Committee. The committee is creating a workplan for the school year that includes a travel plan for schools to use to increase active transportation. They used to go into any school that requested it and promoted active transportation. Due to COVID, they can only promote virtual events for the time being.

Chair adjourned the meeting at 8:15 p.m.