Community Planning, Regulation and Mobility Committee Meeting

Meeting #:
9:30 a.m. and reconvening at 6:30 p.m.
Council Chambers - members participating remotely

Statutory public meetings are held to present planning applications in a public forum as required by the Planning Act.

Due to COVID-19 this meeting will be conducted as a virtual meeting. Only the chair of the meeting, along with a clerk and audio/visual technician, will be in council chambers, with all other staff, members of council and delegations participating in the meeting by calling in remotely. The meeting will be live webcasted, as usual, and archived on the city website.

Requests to delegate to this virtual meeting can be made by completing the online delegation registration form at or by submitting a written request by email to the Office of the City Clerk at Due to the holiday closure of City Hall, the deadline for registering to speak at this meeting is noon on Thursday, April 1, 2021. It is recommended that delegates include their intended remarks, which will be circulated to all members of the standing committee in advance, as a backup to any disruptions in technology issues that may occur. 

If you do not wish to delegate, but would like to submit feedback, please email your comments to Your comments will be circulated to committee members in advance of the meeting and will be attached to the minutes, forming part of the public record.

Reports of a routine nature, which are not expected to require discussion and/or debate.  Staff may not be in attendance to respond to queries on items contained in the Consent Agenda.

  • Approve the proposed contract extension for the use of the City of Burlington’s Animal Shelter and its staff as the shelter and pound for Town of Milton Animal Services; and

    Authorize the Mayor and City Clerk to execute the agreement between the Town of Milton and the City of Burlington and any other documentation required to the satisfaction of the Executive Director of Legal Services and Corporation Counsel.

  • Approve the by-law to designate the Community Improvement Project Area, as contained in Appendix A of Burlington Economic Development report ECDEV-02-21; and

    Approve the by-law to adopt a Brownfield Focus Community Improvement Plan for the Community Improvement Project Area, as contained in Appendix A of Burlington Economic Development report ECDEV-02-21.

  • Receive and file Burlington Economic Development report ECDEV-03-21 regarding Red Tape Red Carpet (RTRC) implementation update for Q1 2021 and associated appendices.

Note: Curt Benson, Director, Planning Services and Chief Planning Official, Halton Region to present

  • Approve the extension of the 90 minute waived parking fees pilot program by 3 months of continuous business operation in the “red zone” or a less restricted level and report back to Council at the end of June 2021.

  • Endorse Director of Community Planning comments, as contained within Appendix ‘A’ of community planning department report PL-22-21 (‘City of Burlington – Correspondence re: Burlington Nelson Quarry Extension’); and

    Direct the Director of Community Planning to forward ‘City of Burlington – Correspondence re: Burlington Nelson Quarry Extension’ by courier and email to the Niagara Escarpment Commission (NEC) prior to the comment deadline; and

    Direct the Director of Community Planning to submit ‘City of Burlington – Correspondence re: Burlington Nelson Quarry Extension’ to the Environmental Registry of Ontario (ERO) in response to ERO No. 019-3215 prior to the comment deadline; and

    Direct the City Clerk to forward Council’s Resolution, subject to the endorsement of community planning report PL-22-21, to the Niagara Escarpment Commission (NEC); and

    Direct the City Clerk to forward community planning department report PL-22-21 to the Joint Agency Review Team.

  • Direct the Director of Community Planning to work with the project Steering Committee and Working Group to finalize the draft Engagement Plan attached as Appendix A to community planning report PL-16-21; and

    Appoint the following three members of Council to sit on the Housing Strategy Working Group:

    • Mayor Marianne Meed Ward
    • Councillor Shawna Stolte
    • Councillor Paul Sharman

Note: this item will be discussed at 6:30 p.m.

  • Approve the application submitted by T. Johns Consulting, on behalf of 2531820 Ontario Inc., for 600 Maplehill Drive, to draft approve a residential plan of subdivision consisting of four townhouse blocks and a private condominium road, as shown in Appendix B of community planning department report PL-19-21, subject to the conditions contained in Appendix C of community planning department report PL-19-21.

Confidential reports may require a closed meeting in accordance with the Municipal Act, 2001. Meeting attendees may be required to leave during  the discussion.

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