Burlington Sustainable Development Advisory Committee Meeting


Meeting #:

Tim Park (Chair), Susan Mattine, Dave Rokosh, Dave Bourns, Chris Ariens, Tom Krumins, Paul Fletcher, Jim Adams, Fahim Hoque, Anne Hammill, Rafiq Dhanji, Niki Walton, Guy Shepard, Laura Di Paolo

Mathew McAuley, Adria Cehovin, Jose Henao

Councillor Paul Sharman, Laura Ross, Lynn Robichaud, Suzanne Gillies (Clerk), Michelle Diplock (observer)

On motion, the minutes from the meeting held January 20, 2021 were approved.

On motion, the minutes from the meeting held February 17. 2021 were approved.

There were no items for approval.

For information about this event visit the BurlingtonGreen website:  https://www.burlingtongreen.org

For information about this event visit the BurlingtonGreen website:  https://www.burlingtongreen.org

Councillor Sharman provided the following updates:

  • the Millcroft Greens proposed development application was brought to committee and council with a recommendation for staff to continue to work with the applicant, 60 delegations spoke regarding the item, there are risks on rejecting the application at this time
  • suggested watching the March 15 episode of The Agenda with Steve Paikin - Can Ontario Cities Overcome NIMBYism

Lynn provided the following updates:

  • the report detailing the implementation of the Climate Adaptation Plan was approved at committee and will be going to council for final consideration on March 23, currently creating a staff team and will be creating a stakeholder team shortly
  • staff are updating several policies including the Environmental Policy and Zero Waste Policy, the policies will be shared with the committee
  • the Climate Action Plan, working with the Centre for Climate Change and still waiting on FCM funding announcement - comments received from FCM have been favourable
  • Transportation staff are working on the Integrated Mobility Plan and confirming funding

Laura provided the following updates:

  • staff launched the housing strategy last week, the survey is still open, so those that have not had a chance to complete the survey please do so
  • the Brownfield report was approved at committee on March 2
  • will provide a detailed update on the Regional Official Plan Review at the April meeting
  • currently doing a review/update of the Sustainable Building Guidelines which includes looking at the feasibility of a green roof program, will run through some options at the next meeting outlining a few incremental steps

Tim provided an update that the year end report is almost done, however he has been having some computer issues.  

Ideas for the 2021 workplan include the following:

  • review of city plans (create a list)
  • review of official plans and staff policies that are under review
  • housing strategy - have a rep from SDC on the stakeholder team

Please bring any other workplan ideas to the April meeting, we should work towards finalizing the workplan.

The committee agreed that the subcommittee should start to meet again.  Members expressed interest in which subcommittee they would like to be a part of.  However, for new members it was suggested that they attend a meeting of the subcommittee if they were unsure which they would like to join.  All members will be provided the links to both subcommittee meetings and can join both if they like.

No update as there has not been a subcommittee meeting.

Lynn provided an update.  Anne expressed an interest in the area, offered to help by providing feedback and contribute.  There will be a need for a rep from SDC to be on the stakeholder working team.

Dave B provided the following updates:

  • there was no meeting last month
  • the forum was extremely successful, 200 - 300 people participated
  • Dave will send links to the speakers - Keynote was really great

Lynn provided the following update:

  • an organization lead by the Halton Environmental Network (HEN) is trying to engage the community in climate change initiatives
  • funding from the Community Readiness Fund for a small scale feasibility study on home retro fits

Tim provided the following updates:

  • general updates were provided to the committee on a number of initiatives
  • Integrated Mobility Plan has a project page on 'Get Involved', great was to stay up-to-date on the project
  • there was discussion about Active Transportation, the Federal Government has an active transportation study, Chris informed the SDC committee that it was announced that there will be active transportation funding from upper levels of government.

Lynn will ask if there are any staff that can come to future meetings to provide updates on major projects.  Lynn will also reach out to the Bay Area Climate Change Council staff (Bianca) to come to speak to the committee regarding the work they are doing. 

Suggested that Drew Hauser present at a future meeting.

Please provide any other suggestions on who to invite to speak at future meetings to Lynn or Suzanne.

It was brought up (again) that the committee would like/needs to find a way to share easily share files.  

Chair adjourned the meeting at 8:07 p.m.