Burlington Inclusivity Advisory Committee Meeting


Meeting #:
3800 Constable Henshaw Blvd. (Halton Regional Police Services)

Maroun Naser (Chair), Douglas Martin (Vice Chair), Rana Al Semaani, Kumkum Bhandari (BPL), Girish Parekh, Jim Young (BSAC), Jenna Bye, Mumba Litana, Carrie Overholt

Roy La Chappelle, Kate Dunn, Ron Baliko (BAAC), Heba Lamloum, Brent Hughes (Halton Police)

Councillor Bentivegna, Lisa Palermo (Clerk)

Roundtable welcome and introductions of members.

On motion, Douglas Martin and Rana Al Semaani, were elected as Chair and Vice-Chair, respectively, of the Burlington Inclusivity Advisory Committee, for the term to expire December 31, 2019.

Lisa provided members with an orientation presentation including a review of the committee terms of reference, meeting procedure, committee/ council structure, citizen committee role, etc.

Lisa reviewed the 2017 and 2018 work plans and annual reports with members to showcase BIAC's achievements, community outreach, staff education, etc. accomplished during the past few years.

Members identified some areas to consider for the work plan discussion to take place in March.  Ideas included;

- continue to liaise with community organizations/stakeholders to build BIAC knowledge base and partnerships

- continue to advocate for cultural competency/diversity training for staff

- focus on newcomers

- consider collaboration with the One Burlington Festival

- focus on community attitudes and perceptions of others