Burlington Cycling Advisory Committee Meeting


Meeting #:
Room 247, Level 2, City Hall

James Schofield, Don Thorpe, Jackie Lodder, Chris Ariens, Claudia Segatore, John Greven, David Darnell, Teresa Baerg, and Jeffrey Brooks

Andrew Fuller (Guest), Dan Ozimkovic (Transportation Technologist), Suzanne Gillies (Clerk)

 Brad Slade, Brett Moore, Kinsey Schurm, Councillor Jack Dennison

  • Joseph Brant Day event booth was well received, a lot of interest and engagement.
  • Appleby Streetfest event booth had a lot of engagement.  All cycling give-a-ways were given out. 
  • The committee will not be participating in the Santa Parade, it is felt that to make an impact there needs to be 8-10 riders and currently there are not enough committee members able to participate.
  • Feedback has been positive regarding the bikes at the Seniors' Centre. 
  • Discussion regarding ward rides with Councillors, ways to encourage biking in the community, and the possibility of bringing the 'Biko Rewards' program to Burlington.
  • The cycling master plan continues to be worked on.  Phase 2 of public engagement to start as soon as possible.  Dan will share the draft cycling plan with the committee as soon as it is shared by the consultant.  The plan is to have the Cycling Master plan go to council in April or May, however staff will be connecting with council to educate them about the plan and the work that has been done prior to the report coming forward.
  • March 28, 2019 Hamilton Bay Area Transportation forum at the Royal Botanical Gardens.  The forum will provide training for members of council and show that other cities are in need of cycling infrastructure as well.
  • Staff conducted site visits for active transportation bridge to go over the QEW highway.  Staff are working with the MTO to include the bridge with the redesign of the Freeman interchange. Waiting for MTO approval, then an environmental assessment study.  Dan will send out the date of the MTO public meeting about the Freeman interchange redevelopment to the committee once it has been set.
  • 1.5 meter bike lane will be included in the resurfacing of Walkers Line bridge over the QEW.
  • Next steps for the North Burlington Active Transportation Stategy will be a workshop.  Dan will let the committee know the date of the workshop once it has been set.
  • Dan advised that he and Suzanne met with the supplier for giveaways and would like to submit an order for bags, lights and bells.
    On motion, the committee approved an expenditure of approximately $1,900 to purchase giveaways to distribute at community events.
  • The committee agreed that the December meeting should be a social gathering.
  • James will send out a doodle poll to the committee to find the best date.

Chair adjourned the meeting at 8:25 p.m.

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