Heritage Burlington Advisory Committee MeetingMinutesMeeting #:Date:Wednesday, August 14, 2024Time: 6:00 P.m. - 8:00 P.m.Location:Virtual1.Members Present: Michele Camacho (Chair), Marsha Paley, Diane Smith, Michael Vollmer, Len Collins, Jenna Dobson, Deanne Mayall, Janet Kasperski, Robin Lloyd, Alan Harrington and Catherine Robb2.Regrets: Councillor Shawna Stolte, Andy Lyster and Steve Allen3.Others Present: Chloe Richer (Heritage Planner) and Jo-Anne Rudy (Clerk)4.Land Acknowledgement: The Chair read the land acknowledgement.5.Declarations of Interest: None6.Approval of Minutes: 6.1Approve minutes from meeting held June 12, 2024 1.2024_06_12_Heritage_Burlington_Advisory_Committee_Minutes.pdfOn motion, the minutes from the meeting held June 12, 2024, were approved as presented.7.Delegation(s): None8.Regular Items: 8.1Heritage Planner update 1.Heritage Planner Memo (2024-08-14).pdfa.Heritage Permit application - 2040 Emerald Crescent 1.Heritage Planner Presentation (2024-08-14).pdf2.Window Image 1 - Pollard photo.pdf3.Window Image 2 - Pollard photo.pdf Chloe advised a heritage permit application for 2040 Emerald Crescent was received on July 4, 2024, and she provided an overview of the property's heritage value which consists of historical/associative value, contextual value and its design value as a two-storey, stuccoed flat-roofed residence designed in the international modernist Art Deco Style. Chloe stated that the heritage permit proposes the removal of eight existing windows and the additional of vinyl replacement casement windows due to fire damage from an adjacent property. Choe noted that the heritage attribute likely to be affected by the proposed alterations is the curved corner with grouped small sash windows. Committee had no questions or concerns regarding this heritage permit application. Motion - Heritage Burlington Advisory Committee recommends that Heritage Permit No. 501-06-5-05/24 be approved, subject to the following conditions: That any minor changes to the specifications for new replacement windows following approval shall be submitted, to the satisfaction and approval of the Director of Community Planning, prior to submission as part of any application for a Building Permit and / or the commencement of any alterations; and That implementation / installation of the alteration(s), in accordance with this approval, shall be completed no later than August 31, 2026. If the alteration(s) are not completed by August 31, 2026, then this approval expires as of that date and no alterations shall be undertaken without a new approval issued by the City of Burlington. CARRIED 9.Other Business: Jo-Anne reminded committee of the need for 2 or 3 more volunteers for the Food for Feedback event scheduled for September 14, 2024 from 12 noon to 4 p.m. and asked members who are available to assist to email her at their earliest convenience. 10.Adjournment: Chair adjourned the meeting at 6:15 p.m.No Item Selected This item has no attachments.1.2024_06_12_Heritage_Burlington_Advisory_Committee_Minutes.pdf1.Heritage Planner Memo (2024-08-14).pdf1.Heritage Planner Presentation (2024-08-14).pdf2.Window Image 1 - Pollard photo.pdf3.Window Image 2 - Pollard photo.pdf