Deem that no further notice is required in respect of the proposed Zoning By-law Amendment in accordance with Section 34 (17) of the Planning Act concerning a change to a proposed by-law made after the holding of the public meeting; and
Receive the Interim Control By-law Land Use Study report prepared by Dillon Consulting as amended and attached as Appendix B to supplementary staff memo dated January 30, 2020 to community planning department report PL-01-20; and
Approve the proposed Official Plan Amendment as amended attached in Appendix D to supplementary staff memo dated January 30, 2020 to community planning report PL-01-20; and
Approve the proposed Zoning By-law Amendment as amended attached in Appendix E to supplementary staff memo dated January 30, 2020 to community planning report PL-01-20; and
Direct the Executive Director of Community Planning, Regulation and Mobility to consider the following modifications to the proposed Official Plan Amendment:
• For clarity, any policies that reference growth in the MTSA’s should also include reference to the overall MTSA typology which differentiates the characteristics between downtown and the GO station MTSA’s
• Policies that address urban design and public realm should identify street trees, street furniture and public art as key elements of the public realm;
• Opportunities to strengthen compatibility policies and the built form transitions to surrounding areas;
• Policies that identify innovative sustainable energy, water, landscape and waste management practices should address mitigating the impacts of climate change, sustainable development practices and green infrastructure.