- Approve the overall proposed Phase 1 facility design/development program budget for the adaptive reuse of the Robert Bateman High School inclusive of the following major elements and gross cost estimates based on Class B design estimates:
Base Building
Phase 1 Base Building Construction: $41,700,00
Design and Engineering/Other Soft Costs: $15,000,000
Total Base Building Construction Cost: $56,700,00
Recommended Energy Reduction Incentives: $5,250,000
Total Recommended Base Budget: $61,950,000
Optional Enhanced Energy Incentives
(subject to confirmation of Senior
Government funding application): $10,800,000
Total Gross Construction Estimated Cost: $72,750,000
- Approve the proposed Capital Financing Plan for the adaptive reuse of the Robert Bateman High School inclusive of the following:
Proposed Net Capital Financing:
Tenant Direct Capital Contributions (Cash): $7,100,00
Non-Tax Supported Debt Financing:
Tenant Recovery: $11,750,000
Special Circumstance Debt (SCD) Financing: $4,000,000
Tax Supported Debt Financing: $45,900,000
Senior Government Funding (subject to
confirmation by Senior Government): $4,000,000
Total Proposed Capital Financing: $72,750,000
Direct the Executive Director of Environmental, Infrastructure & Community Services to proceed with next steps for prequalification of General Contractor and tendering of the phase 1 construction contract in Q1-2023 for the renovation to the Robert Bateman Highschool into a community hub; and
Direct the Executive Director of Environment Infrastructure and Community Services to report back in Q2 2023 on the process, timelines and estimated capital and operating costs related the Phase 2 facility development inclusive of the new City Community Center and other future community partner uses, the process for naming and branding inclusive of sponsorship opportunities of the new facility; and
Direct the City Manager and the Chief Financial Officer to report back in Q2-2023 with an update on the Multi-year Community Investment Plan (MCIP) inclusive of the capital costs, financing and estimated timelines for Phase 1 of this project, and consideration of a future Phase 2; and
Direct the Director of Transit to report back in Q1 of 2023 on an integrated transit plan that includes site facilities, connections to the Go Transit and Burlington Transit networks and active transportation initiatives; and
That the City Manager report back by Council to verify the net new community space, retained space, and brand new community space through the Bateman project for both phase one and phase 2. (SD-29-22)