Approve the zoning by-law amendment application submitted by Bloomfield Developments to rezone the property at 143 Blue Water Place & 105 Avondale Court from “R1.2” to “R1.2-502” and “O2” to permit eight detached dwellings fronting a public road on the basis that it conforms to the Provincial Policy Statement, the Places to Grow Act and the Regional Official Plan; and
Adopt Zoning By-law 2020.417, attached as Appendix B to department of city building report PB-69-19, rezoning the lands at 143 Blue Water Place & 105 Avondale Court from “R1.2” to “R1.2-502” and “O2”; and
Deem that Zoning By-law 2020.417 conforms to the Official Plan of the City of Burlington; and
Approve the application submitted by Bloomfield Developments Inc. to draft approve a residential plan of subdivision consisting of eight lots, four blocks, and a public road at 143 Blue Water Place and 105 Avondale Court, as shown in Appendix A of department of city building report PB-69-19, subject to the conditions contained in Appendix C of that report; and
Direct the Executive Director of Capital Works to include for consideration the development of the Blue Water Window-to-the-Lake as part of the 2021 Capital Budget and Forecast; and
Direct the Executive Director of Community Planning, Regulation and Mobility to remove the requirement for sidewalks in the conditions of subdivision approval for 143 Blue Water Place and 105 Avondale Court; and
Direct the Executive Director of Environment, Infrastructure and Community Services to report back on potential cost of expanding Block 2 beyond 5% parkland dedication.