Integrated Transportation Advisory Committee Meeting


Meeting #:

Carm Piro (Chair), Jason Manayathu, Beth Revelle, Don Richardson, Briana Petersen, Nick Morrison, Tim Park, Doug Benton (until 8:02 p.m.), Jim Young

Greg Pace, Alexander Andrenkov, Councillor Shawna Stolte

Catherine Baldelli (Manager of Planning and Business Services - Burlington Transit), Jeff Black (Manager of Traffic Operations and Signals), Kaylan Edgcumbe (Manager of Integrated Mobility), Dan Ozimkovic (Transportation Planning Technologist), Georgie Gartside (Clerk)

Committee members discussed and finalized the workplan. On motion, the 2021 Integrated Transportation Advisory Committee workplan was approved (attached). Georgie advised that all advisory committee workplans will go to the June 7 Corporate Services, Strategy, Risk and Accountability Committee for approval by committee and Council.

Plains Road protected cycling facilities 

  • Save the Date - virtual public meeting on June 23 from 6 - 9 p.m. to review the protected cycling options for the Plains Road corridor (RBG to Waterdown Road)
  • This is the first implementation of a recommendation of the Cycling Plan (protected cycling facilities / cycle track)
  • Would like ITAC representation at the meeting - ideally a member who has reviewed the Cycling Plan and is familiar with the goals of the plan, commuter cycling objectives and general cycling terminology
  • Meeting details will be sent once confirmed

Major Transit Station Areas (MTSAs) Project - Staff had a workshop with Council today regarding the MTSA Project, which was formerly referred to as the mobility hubs study around the three GO stations. At the workshop, staff went over what work has been done, why the pause and what's next. The project is just starting and is of high corporate priority. The project is on extremely tight deadlines and engagement will take place in the summer. The committee will be kept updated and encouraged to participate - may need to form a small working group in order to fully engage throughout the summer months. (Link to the May 17 MTSA Council Workshop agenda that includes a video of the meeting and staff presentation). ACTION: Members to review the Mobility Hubs page and Get Involved Burlington page and subscribe to the pages to receive automatic updates as the pages are refreshed with new information. 

Integrated Mobility Plan (IMP) - The internal IMP advisory committee met and some draft mode share profiles were shared (see attached details). Using the five lived experience papers, a social media campaign will start mid-June to get feedback on the papers. Residents will be directed to the Get Involved Burlington website where they can view the papers at their own pace and provide feedback on anything that was missed. The papers will help inform the problem statements for the overall IMP. The draft problem statements will be shared with ITAC for feedback and then at a statutory public meeting in July using story mapping.

Bike rack giveaway program - Approximately 15 to 20 bike racks are given away each year to businesses. If ITAC members are aware of any churches, parks, etc. in need of a bike rack, please email Dan. Attached are details of the bike rack giveaway program that can be shared with businesses.

Bike repair stations - There are currently seven bike repair stations across the city and three more in storage that will be placed this year. Most repair stations are located on hydro corridors. If ITAC members are aware of an area in the city that could use a bike repair station, please email Dan. There was a suggestion to add one at the other end of the hydro corridor near Costco.

Bike Month - Kicks off on May 31 for the month of June (poster attached). All activities will be virtual this year, including nine free webinars through Zoom (see attached flyer). The webinars will be shared with the school boards and two will be held during school hours for students to watch. Burlington Public Library and Tourism Burlington will give away bike lights and bells during June. Tourism Ambassadors in golf carts will be handing out bells and lights at city parks and residents can also pick them up at public libraries across the city. 

Designated area speed limit project - went to committee on May 4 and will go to Council for approval on May 18 (link to May 4 agenda with the staff report). Staff will now have the ability to designate a speed limit for an entire neighbourhood. Also included in the report was an update on the city's speed limit policy.

Automated speed enforcement (photo radar) - Jeff asked ITAC members to email him directly with any further feedback. The committee discussed preparing a formal letter from ITAC for approval at the June meeting. A concern was raised about the fine revenues being split between all four Halton municipalities as well as the Region of Halton even though not all four municipalities will be participating in the program. Jeff explained that this is provincially regulated. 

On-demand transit - a vendor has been selected and engagement will begin soon. ITAC will be kept updated.

Transit signal priority - Pilot starting this year. If buses are behind schedule, transit drivers will have the ability to prioritize the traffic signals. 

Transit ridership - transit has been impacted by COVID and ridership is down. There are slight increases from 2020. Route 1 is utilized the most, followed by Route 10. Hoping to see ridership increase over the next few months.

BSAC approved its workplan and housing for seniors is a focus for this year.

The Sustainable Development Committee's Policy & Development Sub-Committee met and received an informative planning 101 presentation (attached).

If the committee wants to send feedback on the housing strategy engagement plan, please send comments to Nick. A formal letter from ITAC can be prepared, approved and sent to city staff before the June 4 deadline.