Special Meeting of Council


Meeting #:
Council Chambers Level 2, City Hall
Members Present:
  • Mayor Marianne Meed Ward,
  • Kelvin Galbraith,
  • Lisa Kearns,
  • Rory Nisan,
  • Shawna Stolte,
  • Paul Sharman,
  • and Angelo Bentivegna
Staff Present:
  • Tim Commisso,
  • Heather MacDonald,
  • David Thompson (Audio/Video Specialist),
  • Debbie Hordyk,
  • and Jo-Anne Rudy



  • Motion No.
    Moved by:Councillor Kearns
    Seconded by:Councillor Nisan

    Amend Interim Control By-law Land Use Study (PL-01-20) recommendation by adding the following paragraph at the beginning of the recommendation

    “Deem that no further notice is required in respect of the proposed Zoning By-law Amendment in accordance with Section 34 (17) of the Planning Act concerning a change to a proposed by-law made after the holding of the public meeting; and”

    And remove the following paragraph in its entirety from the recommendation:

    “Repeal the Interim Control By-law from the subject lands upon expiry of the appeal period for the proposed Official Plan and Zoning By-law amendments, provided no appeals are filed; and”

    IN FAVOUR: (7)Mayor Meed Ward, Councillor Galbraith, Councillor Kearns, Councillor Nisan, Councillor Stolte, Councillor Sharman, and Councillor Bentivegna
    CARRIED (7 to 0)
  • Motion No.
    Moved by:Councillor Kearns
    Seconded by:Councillor Nisan

    Deem that no further notice is required in respect of the proposed Zoning By-law Amendment in accordance with Section 34 (17) of the Planning Act concerning a change to a proposed by-law made after the holding of the public meeting; and

    Receive the Interim Control By-law Land Use Study report prepared by Dillon Consulting as amended and attached as Appendix B to supplementary staff memo dated January 30, 2020  to community planning department report  PL-01-20; and

    Approve the proposed Official Plan Amendment as amended attached in Appendix D to supplementary staff memo dated January 30, 2020 to community planning report PL-01-20; and

    Approve the proposed Zoning By-law Amendment as amended attached in Appendix E to supplementary staff memo dated January 30, 2020 to community planning report PL-01-20; and

    Direct the Executive Director of Community Planning, Regulation and Mobility to consider the following modifications to the proposed Official Plan Amendment:
    • For clarity, any policies that reference growth in the MTSA’s should also include reference to the overall MTSA typology which differentiates the characteristics between downtown and the GO station MTSA’s
    • Policies that address urban design and public realm should identify street trees, street furniture and public art as key elements of the public realm;
    • Opportunities to strengthen compatibility policies and the built form transitions to surrounding areas;
    • Policies that identify innovative sustainable energy, water, landscape and waste management practices should address mitigating the impacts of climate change, sustainable development practices and green infrastructure.

    IN FAVOUR: (7)Mayor Meed Ward, Councillor Galbraith, Councillor Kearns, Councillor Nisan, Councillor Stolte, Councillor Bentivegna, and Councillor Sharman
    CARRIED (7 to 0)
  • Motion No.
    Moved by:Councillor Kearns
    Seconded by:Councillor Nisan

    Receive and file the following items, having been considered by Council:

  • Motion No.
    Moved by:Councillor Sharman
    Seconded by:Councillor Bentivegna

    ​​Enact and pass By-law Number 07-2020, being a by-law to confirm the proceedings of Special Council at its meeting held January 30, 2020, being read a first, second and third time.

  • Motion No.
    Moved by:Councillor Bentivegna
    Seconded by:Councillor Galbraith

    Adjourn this Council now to meet again at the call of the Mayor.

    10:32 am

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