Burlington Sustainable Development Advisory Committee Meeting


Meeting #:

Tim Park (Chair), Susan Mattine, Dave Rokosh, Dave Bourns, Chris Ariens, Tom Krumins, Paul Fletcher, Jim Adams, Rafiq Dhanji, Adria Cehovin, Niki Walton, Guy Sheppard, Laura Di Paolo

Mathew McAuley, Fahim Hoque, Anne Hammill, Jose Henao, Councillor Sharman

Lynn Robichaud, Laura Ross, Suzanne Gillies (Clerk), Dave Tourchin, Barry Coombs, Todd Evershed, Dianne (observer), Desiree (observer), John (observer), 

On motion the minutes from the meeting held June 16, 2021 were approved.

Dave Tourchin and Barry Coombs provided a presentation about the Bird Friendly initiative outlining how a city can be designated a Bird Friendly community.  Presentation attached.

Oval Court development application was discussed.  Laura will let us know when the deadline to submit comments is and if there will be another statutory public meeting.  Chris will circulate the comments to the committee for review.

Councillor Sharman sent his regrets as he was unable to attend the meeting.

Lynn provided brief updates on the status of climate initiatives, home energy retrofit program, renewable energy initiatives and funding applications.  

Laura provided the following updates:

  • John Stewart will be taking over the staff role from Community Planning starting in the new  year
  • MTSA and the Housing Strategy have been main focus and will be coming back to this committee with updates
  • Urban Design Guidelines have been postponed to the spring of 2022 

Dave provided the following updates from the subcommittee:

  • discussion around the information released about the hotel located at Spencer Smith Park and the Oval Court development application
  • If there is still an opportunity to submit comments on 407 Martha Street, will the committee like to do so?
  • the deadline for comments for the Brant and Ghent development is today, we have not finalized any comments

Susan provided the following updates from the subcommittee:

  • the topic for the fall webinar will be 'single use plastics', library staff are agreeable to this topic, the committee discussed who could be a guest and do the webinar - Susan and Paul  will reach out to possible hosts for the webinar
  • the committee also discussed what else the committee could do for awareness, ideas included a letter campaign, blog, develop a communications plan and bringing issues to City Council, Lynn suggested starting by figuring out what the committees objectives are and then moving forward from there
  • the committee will address the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals - review to ensure objectives are addressed, this will take place over two meetings, one meeting to review the UNSDG's and then another meeting to align Burlington Sustainable Development Committee objectives, or figure out how to align moving forward

No update as there were no meetings over the summer.

Lynn provided the following updates:

  • Hosting HCC reads this fall, launching soon, featuring  Katharine Hayhoe from Texas University, HDC reads will host a webinar in November 
  • Henn and HCC annual work with students, generation green, active transportation is theme for conference

No update as there were no meetings over the summer.

The 2022 workplan has been added to the agenda as a reminder/placeholder to start thinking about what objectives and projects the committee would like to focus on in 2022.  The workplan and budget request needs to be approved at the January SDC committee meeting.

Chair adjourned the meeting at 8:38 p.m.

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