Committee of the Whole Meeting


Meeting #:
Hybrid meeting- virtual and Council Chambers, City Hall
Members Present:
  • Mayor Marianne Meed Ward (Chair), 
  • Kelvin Galbraith, 
  • Lisa Kearns, 
  • Rory Nisan, 
  • Shawna Stolte, 
  • Paul Sharman, 
  • and Angelo Bentivegna 
Staff Present:
  • Blake Hurley, 
  • Sue Evfremidis, 
  • Jacqueline Johnson, 
  • Craig Kummer, 
  • Chad MacDonald, 
  • Enrico Scalera, 
  • Jamie Tellier, 
  • Emilie Cote, 
  • Samantha Yew, 
  • David Thompson (Audio/Video Specialist), 
  • Lisa Palermo (Clerk), 
  • Suzanne Gillies (Clerk), 
  • and Jo-Anne Rudy (Clerk) 

The Chair called the meeting to order.

The Chair read the Land Acknowledgement.

  • Moved byCouncillor Kearns

    Motion to suspend the rules for section 46.1 of the Procedure By-law 31-2021, as amended, to permit a delegate who registered past the prescribed deadline. Jeff Bienhaus would like to speak regarding Item 12.3 Official Plan and Zoning By-law Amendment applications for 784 Brant Street (PL-59-24).

  • Moved byCouncillor Stolte

    Motion to suspend the rules for section 45.2 of the Procedure By-law 31-2021, as amended, to allow an extension of a staff presentation beyond the 10-minute maximum (15 minutes total) for Item 12.1, New Zoning By-law Project (PL-34-24)

  • Moved byCouncillor Sharman

    Approve the agenda as amended.

  • Moved byCouncillor Kearns

    Receive legislative services report CL-15-24 providing the Quarterly Mayoral Decisions report.

  • Moved byCouncillor Kearns

    Receive legislative services report CL-16-24 providing the Delegated Authority second quarter report.

  • Moved byCouncillor Kearns

    Receive finance department report F-26-24, providing the financial status report as at March 31, 2024.

  • Moved byCouncillor Kearns

    Authorize the Chief Financial Officer to transfer $150,000 from the Cultural Initiatives Fund to be used to hire a consultant to lead the Arts and Culture Strategy as outlined in recreation, community and culture report RCC-15-24.

  • Moved byCouncillor Kearns

    Endorse the Community Improvement Plan Study Terms of Reference, attached as Appendix A to community planning department report PL-56-24.

  • Moved byMayor Meed Ward

    Endorse the attached Mayoral Direction on the 2025 budget.

  • Amendment:

    Moved byCouncillor Kearns

    Replace the word "Endorse" with the word "Receive".

  • Moved byMayor Meed Ward

    Receive legislative services report CL-17-24 providing information regarding the upcoming official delegation trip to Itabashi, Japan to commemorate 35 years of twinning.


Confidential legal update on a litigation matter regarding Official Plan Amendment 130 (L-23-24)

  • Moved byCouncillor Bentivegna

    Instruct the Commissioner, Legal & Legislative Services/City Solicitor, or his designate, to proceed in accordance with the instructions sought in confidential legal department report L-23-24.


Confidential legal update on a litigation matter regarding 971 Unsworth Avenue (L-24-24)

  • Moved byCouncillor Galbraith

    Instruct the Commissioner, Legal & Legislative Services/City Solicitor or his designate, to proceed in accordance with the instructions sought in confidential legal department report L-24-24.


Confidential human resources department report regarding a personnel matter (HR-06-24)

  • Moved byMayor Meed Ward

    Instruct the Chief Human Resources Officer to proceed in accordance with instructions sought in human resources department report HR-06-24 regarding a confidential personnel matter.


Committee did not proceed into closed session.

  • Moved byCouncillor Sharman

    Receive environment and energy report EICS-12-24 providing the Burlington Enterprises Corporation – Burlington Distribution System Sustainability Plan.

  • Moved byCouncillor Nisan

    Receive engineering services report ES-19-24 providing a project update, preferred concept design, and community engagement summary for the Civic Square and Brant Street renewal project; and

    Direct the Director of Engineering to oversee potential improvements raised at Committee through detailed design, including but not limited to the following areas, in a manner that does not jeopardize the project completion date:

    1. Review potential reconfiguration of parking lot 13 to improve public realm;
    2. Reviewing water feature employing a safety lens;
    3. Review materials and detailed design of canopies.
    4. Employ environmental/green lens to detailed design; and

    Report back to Committee of the Whole in Q4 2024. (SD-13-24)

  • Amendment:

    Moved byCouncillor Nisan

    Direct the Director of Engineering to oversee potential improvements raised at Committee through detailed design, including but not limited to the following areas, in a manner that does not jeopardize the project completion date:

    1. Review potential reconfiguration of parking lot 13 to improve public realm;
    2. Reviewing water feature employing a safety lens;
    3. Review materials and detailed design of canopies.
    4. Employ environmental/green lens to detailed design; and

    Report back to Committee of the Whole in Q4 2024. (SD-13-24)


Note: this item was moved from Consent Items and was discussed before Item 11.1.

  • Moved byCouncillor Nisan

    Approve Appendix A to environment and energy report EICS-08-24 – the Corporate Energy and Emissions Management Plan 2024-2029 for submission to the Ontario Ministry of Energy and to be posted on the city’s website as required by Ontario Regulation 25/23 made under the Electricity Act, 1998; and

    Direct the Commissioner, Public Works to report annually on the progress of implementing the plan in Appendix A of environment and energy report EICS-08-24 including energy consumption and the carbon footprint for city operations.


Note: this item was moved from Consent Items and was discussed before Item 11.1.

  • Moved byCouncillor Nisan

    Direct the Director of Roads, Parks and Forestry to proceed with a pilot program for a Fixed Fee Maintenance Subsidy for Significant Tree Maintenance, as detailed within Option 1 of roads, parks and forestry department report RPF-05-24; and

    Direct the Acting Chief Financial Officer to allocate one time funding of $25,000 from the Green Initiatives Reserve Fund to cover implementation costs for the pilot program in 2025; and

    Direct the Director of Roads, Parks, and Forestry to report back in Q2 2026 with respect to the efficacy of the pilot program.

  • Moved byMayor Meed Ward

    Receive community planning department report PL-34-24 providing the Phase 1: Residential Zones – Discussion Paper and an update on the New Zoning By-law Project.

  • Moved byCouncillor Nisan

    Approve Heritage Permit application 501-06-4-04/24 for the construction of an addition, including related alterations, and the removal of a heritage attribute, at 3083 Lakeshore Road, subject to the approval of any required Planning Act applications and to the following Heritage Permit conditions:

    1. That any minor changes to the plans and elevations following approval shall be submitted, to the satisfaction and approval of the Director of Community Planning, prior to submission as part of any application for a Building Permit and/or the commencement of any alterations; and
    2. That implementation / installation of the alteration(s), in accordance with this approval, shall be completed no later than June 30, 2026. If the alteration(s) are not completed by June 30, 2026, then this approval expires as of that date and no alterations shall be undertaken without a new approval issued by the City of Burlington; and
    3. That the details of any window repairs and/or specifications for new replacement windows be submitted to the satisfaction and approval of the Director of Community Planning, prior to implementation.

Note: view the COW July 9, 2024 video for the discussion of this item.

  • Moved byCouncillor Kearns

    Approve the applications to amend the Official Plan and Zoning By-law only as they apply to the lands shown as Parcel A in Appendix B to community planning department report PL-59-24, to permit a mixed use development comprised of a 25-storey tower and an 18-storey tower (with ground floor commercial area) and 444 residential units; and

    Defer making a decision on the remainder of the applications to amend the Official Plan and Zoning By-law (as they apply to the lands shown as Parcels B and C in Appendix B) until the Director of Community Planning advises that the remaining issues set out in community planning department report PL-59-24 have been resolved and provides a recommendation report regarding the remainder of the applications to a future Committee of the Whole meeting for consideration and a decision under the Planning Act; and

    Approve Official Plan Amendment No. 149 to the City of Burlington Official Plan, as provided in Appendix D of community planning department report PL-59-24, to introduce new site-specific policies for the subject lands; and

    Deem that Section 17(21) of the Planning Act has been met; and

    Instruct the City Clerk to prepare the necessary by-law adopting Official Plan Amendment No. 149 as contained in Appendix D of community planning department report PL-59-24 to be presented for approval at the same time as the associated by-law to amend Zoning By-law 2020, as amended, for the development proposal (505-06/21); and

    Approve Zoning By-law 2020.481, attached as Appendix E of community planning department report PL-59-24, to rezone the lands located at 784 Brant Street from “H-MXG” (Mixed-Use Corridor – General with a Holding Prefix) to “MXG-X” (Mixed-Use Corridor – General with a site-specific exception X); and

    Deem that the amending zoning by-law will conform to the Official Plan for the City of Burlington once Official Plan Amendment No. 149 is adopted; and

    State that the amending zoning by-law will not come into effect until Official Plan Amendment No. 149 is adopted.


Note: this item was moved from Consent Items and was discussed before Item 12.1.

  • Moved byMayor Meed Ward

    Direct the Director of Community Planning to implement the Bronte Creek Meadows Area-Specific Planning Project Engagement Plan – Draft, attached as Appendix C to community planning department report PL-50-24, and continue to add detail and refinements to the planning for Burlington’s Bronte Creek Meadows: Background and Draft Visioning, attached as Appendix D to community planning department report PL-50-24, as work continues with the owner and their consultants.


Note: this item was moved from Consent Items and was discussed before Item 12.1.

  • Moved byCouncillor Sharman

    Approve the proposed adjustments to the development application fees contained within the memo titled “Burlington Planning Application Fees” prepared by Watson and Associates Economists Ltd., dated June 20, 2024 and attached as Appendix “A” to community planning department report PL-61-24; and

    Approve the proposed amendment to By-Law 72-2023, attached as Appendix “B” to community planning department report PL-61-24, effective July 17, 2024.


Note: view the COW July 9, 2024 video for the discussion of items 13.1 and 13.2.

The Committee of the Whole, in accordance with the Planning Act, held Public Meeting No. 9-24 on July 9, 2024, regarding Zoning By-law Amendment application for 236 Plains Road East. Having considered the oral and written comments received from staff and the public, the Committee of the Whole referred community planning department report PL-52-24 to the July 16, 2024 Council meeting.

  • Moved byCouncillor Sharman

    Refer community planning department report PL-52-24 regarding Zoning By-law Amendment application for 236 Plains Road East to the July 16, 2024 Council meeting.


The Committee of the Whole, in accordance with the Planning Act, held Public Meeting No. 10-24 on July 9, 2024, regarding Zoning By-law Amendment application for 2071 Fairview Street. Having considered the oral and written comments received from staff and the public, the Committee of the Whole approved community planning department report PL-51-24.

  • Moved byMayor Meed Ward

    Approve the Zoning By-law Amendment application for the property located at 2071 Fairview Street (formerly 2085 & 2095 Fairview Street) to permit a reduction in the minimum required office space from the previously proposed 3,220 m² to 1,009 m² and accommodate 24 additional apartments to provide a total of 388 apartments instead of the previously proposed 364 apartments; and

    Approve Zoning By-law 2020.479, attached as Appendix D to community planning department report PL-51-24, which amends the zoning Mixed Use Transit Station Area site-specific exception (MXT-386) for the lands located at 2071 Fairview (formerly 2085 & 2095 Fairview Street); and

    Deem that the amending zoning by-law will conform to the Official Plan of the City of Burlington and that there are no applications to alter the Official Plan with respect to the subject lands.

  • Moved byCouncillor Nisan

    Receive and file the following 7 items, having been given due consideration by the Committee of the Whole.


Meeting was called to order on July 8, 2024 at 9:30 a.m.

11:12 a.m. (recessed), 11:27 a.m. (reconvened), 11:30 a.m. (recessed), 11:34 p.m. (reconvened), 12:03 p.m. (recessed), 1:02 p.m. (reconvened), 1:24 p.m. (recessed), 1:29 p.m. (reconvened), 2:47 p.m. (recessed), 2:58 p.m. (reconvened), 3:35 p.m. (recessed), 3:42 p.m. (reconvened), 4:28 p.m. (recessed)

Meeting reconvened on July 9, 2024 at 9:36 a.m.

10:33 a.m. (recessed), 10:41 a.m. (reconvened), 11:23 a.m. (recessed), 11:31 a.m. (reconvened), 11:42 a.m. (recessed), 11:51 a.m. (reconvened), 11:54 a.m. (recessed), 1:01 p.m. (reconvened)

The Chair adjourned the meeting at 1:09 p.m.

No Item Selected