Corporate Services, Strategy, Risk and Accountability Committee Meeting

Revised Agenda

Meeting #:
9:30 a.m. and reconvening at 6:30 p.m. (if required)
Council Chambers - members participating remotely

Due to COVID-19 this meeting will be conducted as a virtual meeting. Only the chair of the meeting, along with a clerk and audio/visual technician, will be in council chambers, with all other staff, members of council and delegations participating in the meeting by calling in remotely. The meeting will be live webcasted, as usual, and archived on the city website.

Requests to delegate to this virtual meeting can be made by completing the online delegation registration form at or by submitting a written request by email to the Office of the City Clerk at by noon the business day before the meeting is to be held. It is recommended that delegates include their intended remarks, which will be circulated to all members of the standing committee in advance, as a backup to any disruptions in technology issues that may occur.

If you do not wish to delegate, but would like to submit feedback, please email your comments to Your comments will be circulated to committee members in advance of the meeting and will be attached to the minutes, forming part of the public record.

Reports of a routine nature, which are not expected to require discussion and/or debate.  Staff may not be in attendance to respond to queries on items contained in the Consent Agenda.

  • Direct the City Manager to work closely with the Executive Director of Strategy, Risk and Accountability to refine and revise the existing City Manager objectives from the Vision to Focus Plan (July 2019 version) as outlined in appendix A to city manager’s office report CM-08-21; and

    Direct the City Manager to report back to the Corporate Services, Strategy, Risk and Accountability Committee in Q3 of 2021 with a final set of City Manager 2021/22 objectives for consideration and approval.

  • The Council of the City of Burlington as the sole shareholder of all issued shares in Burlington Enterprises Corporation, being the Corporation, approves the following special resolution of the sole shareholder of Burlington Enterprises Corporation:

    Whereas Archie Bennett has resigned as a director of the Corporation; and

    Whereas Susan Kilburn has been nominated to serve as a director pursuant to s. 4.04(a) of By-law 1 of the Corporation; and

    Whereas the number of directors comprising the board of directors of the Corporation is fixed at five (5), being a number within the prescribed range.

    Now therefore be it resolved as a special resolution of the Corporation that:

    1. The following persons be and they are hereby elected directors of the Corporation, pursuant so s. 4.04(a) of By-law 1 of the Corporation, to hold office for a term of two (2) years or until their successors are duly elected, subject to the provisions of the by-laws of the Corporation, the shareholder direction applicable to the Corporation and the provisions of the Business Corporations Act (Ontario):

    John Maheu, for a second two-year term,

    Susan Kilburn, for a first two-year term.

    2. The following persons be and they are hereby confirmed as directors of the Corporation by virtue of the offices they hold, to hold the office of director for so long as they hold the offices specified below or until their successors to said offices below are duly elected or appointed, as the case may be, subject to the provisions of the by-laws of the Corporation and the provisions of the Business Corporations Act (Ontario):

    Gerry Smallegange, by virtue of holding the office of President of the Corporation,

    Marianne Meed Ward, by virtue of holding the office of the Mayor of the City of Burlington,

    Tim Commisso, by virtue of holding the office of the City Manager of the City of Burlington; and

    That Council direct the City Clerk to execute the special resolution on behalf of the sole shareholder in substantially the form attached to CM-19-21 as Appendix A, and provide a copy of this resolution with the executed special resolution of the sole shareholder to the Burlington Enterprises Corporation (BEC).

  • Receive and file office of the mayor report MO-04-21 providing highlights from the 2021 virtual Federation of Canadian Municipalities annual conference.

  • Receive and file appendix A of city manager’s office report CM-15-21 providing interim service delivery modifications approved by the Burlington Leadership Team, Emergency Control Group and/or service leads for parking ambassadors and night-time activity – parking management service - transportation; and

    Direct the Chief Financial Officer to track and monitor the financial implications of the above service delivery program changes in the ongoing COVID-19 financial impact reporting to Council.

  • Receive and file human resources department report HR-03-21 providing an update on human resource management risks.

Confidential reports may require a closed meeting in accordance with the Municipal Act, 2001. Meeting attendees may be required to leave during  the discussion.

Pursuant to section 239(2)(e) of the Municipal Act, litigation or potential litigation, including matters before administrative tribunals, affecting the municipality or local board.

Pursuant to section 239(2)(b) of the Municipal Act, personal matters about an identifiable individual, including municipal or local board employees.

Pursuant to section 239(2)(b) of the Municipal Act, personal matters about an identifiable individual, including municipal or local board employees.

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