Committee of the Whole - Workshop Meeting
Meeting #:
Thursday, April 06, 2017
1:00 P.m. - 3:00 P.m.
Council Chambers Level 2, City Hall
Members Present:Jack Dennison (Chair), Blair Lancaster, Marianne Meed Ward, Rick Craven, John Taylor, Paul Sharman, and Mayor Rick Goldring
Staff Present:James Ridge, Jeff Black, Joan Ford, Ross Monteith, Nancy Shea-Nicol, Mary Lou Tanner, Vito Tolone, David Thompson (Audio/Video Specialist), and Lisa Palermo (Clerk)

Visited2.1Delegation from John Armstrong, Armstrong Strategy Group representing MasonryWorx regarding release of draft new Official Plan for community consultation (PB-01-17)

​John Armstrong spoke in support of the draft Official Plan. Armstrong provided recommendations related to design guidelines.

Visited2.2Delegation from Dana Anderson, MHBC Planning representing Glanelm Property Management regarding release of draft new Official Plan for community consultation (PB-01-17)

​Dana Anderson spoke in support of the redevelopment of Lakeside Plaza and requested that the property be designated as a Primary development site in the draft Official Plan. Anderson encouraged further public consultation on the draft Plan.

Visited2.3Delegation from Dana Anderson, MHBC Planning representing Emshih Developments regarding release of draft new Official Plan for community consultation (PB-01-17)Attachment Icon

​Dana Anderson spoke in support of the Emshih development. Anderson requested that the site be considered as part of the GO Station mobility hub.

Visited2.4Delegation from Christine Carter regarding release of draft new Official Plan for community consultation (PB-01-17)

​Christine Carter spoke regarding the Aldershot Quarry and it's proximity to Westhaven Drive. Carter expressed concerns that the quarry is not in keeping with the policies and principles outlined in the draft Official Plan.

Visited2.5Delegation from Martin Quarcoopome, Weston Consulting and Mr. Mian of LJM Developments regarding release of draft new Official Plan for community consultation (PB-01-17)Attachment Icon

​Mr. Mian and Mr. Quarcoopome spoke in support of their proposed development on Appleby Line. Mian and Quarcoopome requested the Uptown Centre designation for their site.

Visited3.Consent Items:


Visited4.1Release of draft new Official Plan for community consultation (PB-01-17)Attachment Icon
Moved by:Councillor Meed Ward

Receive Appendix A to planning and building department report PB-01-17, entitled Burlington  Official Plan Draft,  dated April 2017, with the exception of Section entitled Neighbourhood Centre Designation and any related policies,  which is referred back to staff for further review; and

Receive the transit policy direction as contained in Section 1.2 of planning and building department report PB-01-17, related to the city‘s new Official Plan project; and

Receive the Transportation Plan policy directions in Section 2.0 (Table 2) of planning and building department report PB-01-17, related to the city’s Transportation Plan Project; and

Refer the following back to staff for further review to be brought back to the Planning and Development Committee for consideration at a future date:

• Commercial Policy Directions as contained in Section 1.1 (Table1:  Neighbourhood Centre Policy Direction) of the draft Official Plan contained in Appendix A of planning and building department report PB-01-17
• Commercial Lands Policy Directions as contained in Appendix C of planning and building department report PB-01-17
• Market and Financial inputs to Neighbourhood Centres Policy 2017 as contained in Appendix E of planning and building department report PB-01-17; and

Receive the remainder of planning and building department report PB-01-17; and

Direct the Director of Planning and Building to commence with community and agency consultation and engagement on the draft Official Plan; and

Direct the Director Transportation to commence with community and agency consultation and engagement on the Transportation policy directions of the Transportation Plan.

Visited7.Information Items:
Moved by:Councillor Lancaster

Receive and file the following eight items, having been given due consideration by the Committee of the Whole - Workshop.


Chair adjourned the meeting at 3:12 p.m.