Heritage Burlington Advisory Committee Meeting


Meeting #:

Michele Camacho (Chair), Don Thorpe, David Barker, Barry Duffey, Angela Richardson, Len Collins, Marwa Refaat, Jenna Dobson, Robert Korporaal, Rick Wilson and Dan Allan (alternate)

Councillor Rory Nisan (arrived at 8:15 p.m.), Danika Guppy (Heritage Planner) and Jo-Anne Rudy (Clerk)

Sille Nygaard Mikkelsen, Trisha Murray and Alan Harrington

  • Angela Richardson declared an interest in Item 7.1 a. - Committee of Adjustment application for consent to sever a Register-listed property at 977 Unsworth Avenue - as her backyard is adjacent to 977 Unsworth Avenue. She refrained from discussion and voting on this item.
  • Danika advised that the City received an application for consent to sever 977 Unsworth Avenue to create two new lots on either side of the existing dwelling which is listed on the City's Municipal Register of Cultural Heritage Resource, although not designated. Existing structures on site including the greenhouse, pool and shed are to be demolished to facilitate the proposal. 
  • Danika stated that a heritage evaluation completed in 2014 found that the subject property contained design/physical, historical/associative and contextual value. The Heritage Impact Study (HIA) confirms the criteria for determining whether a property contains cultural heritage value or interest and concluded that direct impacts to the house have been avoided and considers the proposed setbacks to be acceptable. The HIA recommends that the lot containing the heritage building be designated to ensure compatibility of future development on adjacent lots.
  • Members asked if the property owner is aware of the possibility of designating and for staff to reach out to the owner to have this discussion.
    Motion - Support the severance application for 977 Unsworth Avenue. CARRIED
    - Heritage Burlington recommends that city staff have discussions with homeowner to designate the property in order to mitigate the risk of incompatible development on adjacent properties. CARRIED
  • Danika provided an overview of the heritage permit application at 2059 Ghent Avenue to facilitate a proposal for a 1-storey kitchen expansion/alteration to the south-west corner of the building and noted that the applicant intends to clad the addition in cedar shingles to match the existing building. In addition, the foundation spalling issues will be addressed through this proposal.
  • Members asked if the pantry was original and to see a 3D visual of the addition.  Action - Danika to follow up with homeowner.  Motion - Support the requested heritage permit for 2059 Ghent Avenue. CARRIED
  • Danika provided an overview of the heritage permit application for a window replacement project at 2222 Lakeshore Road. Specifications on the intended replacements include primed wood products and are to fit existing opening and match existing colour. Motion - Support the requested heritage permit for 2222 Lakeshore Road. CARRIED
  • Danika advised that based on preliminary analysis, Burlington has 8 designated commercial heritage properties under the Ontario Heritage Act and noted if Council chooses to implement a tax rebate program for commercial heritage buildings through the operating budget, Planning staff will prepare a report to Council in consultation with Heritage Burlington. Danika noted that the operating budget will be discussed at the February 23, 2021 Corporate Services, Strategy, Risk & Accountability Committee - Budget meeting.
  • Through discussions with committee members, Michele identified the following priorities for 2021:
    1. Assign a budget to assist facilitate heritage assessments for homeowners interested in Heritage Designation.
      • Discussion took place on the logistics of this type of program in terms of budget, the percentage of assistance and whether commercial properties would be included. Action - staff to discuss with Finance to determine availability of funds.
    2. Evaluation of properties over 100 years old to make recommendations for addition to Register.
      • Members discussed the importance of moving ahead with this initiative and communicating with property owners. Motion - Form a subcommittee to work on evaluation criteria for putting properties on the Register. CARRIED (Marwa, Rob and Rick volunteered to be on this subcommittee)
    3. Finalize Plaques & Markers Policy including design specifications.
    4. Developing opportunities for public engagement
    5. Address any other outstanding 2012 New Approach recommendations.
  • Don advised that the Burlington Historical Society has generously given two $500 grants for Heritage Week to be used for signage and prizes.

Next meeting: Wednesday, March 10, 2021 at 7 p.m. via Zoom