Regular Meeting of Council


Meeting #:
Council Chambers Level 2, City Hall
Members Present:
  • Mayor Rick Goldring,
  • Rick Craven,
  • Marianne Meed Ward,
  • John Taylor,
  • Jack Dennison,
  • Paul Sharman,
  • and Blair Lancaster
Staff Present:
  • James Ridge,
  • Mary Lou Tanner,
  • David Thompson (Audio/Video Specialist),
  • Debbie Hordyk,
  • and Danielle Manton (Deputy Clerk)

  • Motion No.
    Moved by:Councillor Meed Ward
    Seconded by:Councillor Craven

    Confirm the minutes of the following meeting of Council:

  • Motion No.
    IN FAVOUR:Mayor Goldring, Councillor Craven, Councillor Meed Ward, Councillor Taylor, Councillor Dennison, Councillor Sharman, and Councillor Lancaster
  • Motion No.

    Authorize the Mayor and City Clerk to enter into an agreement to the satisfaction of the Director of Parks and Recreation, City Solicitor, Director of Finance and the Executive Director of Capital Works with Spencer's restaurant for the roof and roof top equipment replacement at the Waterfront Centre.

  • Motion No.

    Approve the request by ATA Architects to remove two city trees adjacent to 5045 Mainway; and

    Instruct ATA Architects to provide compensation for the tree removal by re-planting or cash-in-lieu with a total value of $2800 and to adhere to the terms of the tree permit.

  • Motion No.

    Receive and file city manager’s office report CM-11-17 regarding cannabis legislation and implications for the City of Burlington.

  • Motion No.

    Whereas municipalities purchase and maintain fleet vehicles in order to provide necessary services to their communities; and
    Whereas emerging electric vehicle and hybrid technologies have the potential to significantly improve the environmental impact of municipal fleets by reducing their GHG emissions; and
    Whereas municipal fleet managers make significant and costly decisions on the fleet vehicles they purchase and these vehicles may be part of municipal fleets for several years; and

    Whereas more data and information is necessary to encourage municipal adoption of new green technologies and to help make decisions about the most appropriate applications; and

    Whereas AMO is proposing to apply to the Municipal GHG Challenge Fund to procure electric trucks which will be loaned to participants in the pilot and members to test and measure usage; and

    Be it resolved that the Council of the Corporation of the City of Burlington will participate in and support the AMO Electric Truck Pilot Project alongside other interested municipal governments, including by partnering with AMO in the application for grant funding from the Municipal GHG Challenge Fund for a six month pilot to test one (1) Plug-in Elective (PHEV) 1/2 ton truck supplied by AMO.

  • Motion No.

    Approve the meetings and administrative closure dates shown in the proposed 2018 Calendar of Meetings for Council and standing committees, as outlined in Appendix A of clerks department report CL-16-17.

    IN FAVOUR:Mayor Goldring, Councillor Craven, Councillor Meed Ward, Councillor Taylor, Councillor Dennison, Councillor Sharman, and Councillor Lancaster
  • Motion No.

    Approve the following recommendations from the Citizen Review Committee on council compensation, expense limits and resources:

    • Increase the annual expense budget for Mayor and Council by $1,000 for the 2018-2022 term of council;
    • Direct the City Clerk to work with the Mayor to outline roles and responsibilities of the Deputy Mayor for the 2018-2022 term of Council;
    • Move toward the implementation of a Customer Relationship Management System at the earliest possible date;
    • Replace the current Administrative Assistant to the Mayor position with an additional Councillor's Assistant position reporting to the Manager of Council and Committee Services and assigned to the Mayor's office;
    • Approve a Code of Conduct for Council as soon as possible; and

    Approve the Use of Corporate Resources Policy attached as Appendix B of clerks department report CL-17-17.

    IN FAVOUR:Mayor Goldring, Councillor Craven, Councillor Meed Ward, Councillor Taylor, Councillor Dennison, Councillor Sharman, and Councillor Lancaster
  • Motion No.

    Approve the following recommendation from the Citizen Review Committee on council compensation, expense limits and resources:

    Replace the current formula used to determine the annual salary increase for members of Council with the average of the annual Consumer Price Index for Toronto and Ontario and apply this adjustment to salaries for Members of Council on an annual basis in January;

    IN FAVOUR:Councillor Craven, Councillor Meed Ward, Councillor Taylor, Councillor Sharman, and Councillor Lancaster
    OPPOSED:Mayor Goldring, and Councillor Dennison
  • Motion No.

    Approve the adoption of a Supportive Food Environment policy framework; and

    Authorize the Manager of Procurement to issue a Request For Proposal (RFP) for City of Burlington concession management supporting a phased in approach to shift to healthier food selections; and

    Authorize the Manager of Procurement to issue a vending RFP supporting a phased in approach to shift to healthier food selections; and

    Support a resolution from the City of Kingston with respect to the taxation of sugar-sweetened beverages (December 23, 2016 Council Information Package).

    IN FAVOUR:Mayor Goldring, Councillor Craven, Councillor Meed Ward, Councillor Taylor, Councillor Dennison, Councillor Sharman, and Councillor Lancaster
  • Motion No.

    Receive and file transportation services department report TS-12-17 regarding the rural road shoulder assessment – feasibility analysis, as presented; and

    Approve project RD-SW-1850 Rural Active Transportation Study in advance of the 2018 capital budget.

    IN FAVOUR:Mayor Goldring, Councillor Craven, Councillor Meed Ward, Councillor Taylor, Councillor Dennison, Councillor Sharman, and Councillor Lancaster
  • Motion No.

    Receive and file finance department report F-40-17 regarding the reserve for contingencies as at August 31, 2017.

    IN FAVOUR:Mayor Goldring, Councillor Craven, Councillor Meed Ward, Councillor Taylor, Councillor Dennison, Councillor Sharman, and Councillor Lancaster
  • Motion No.

    Authorize the Fire Chief to proceed in accordance with the recommendations contained in Burlington fire department report BFD-03-17, subject to the satisfaction of the City Solicitor.

    IN FAVOUR:Mayor Goldring, Councillor Craven, Councillor Meed Ward, Councillor Taylor, Councillor Dennison, Councillor Sharman, and Councillor Lancaster
  • Motion No.

    Instruct the City Solicitor or her designate to proceed in accordance with the instructions sought in matters 10 and 21; and

    Receive and file the balance of legal department report L-26-17.

    IN FAVOUR:Mayor Goldring, Councillor Craven, Councillor Meed Ward, Councillor Taylor, Councillor Dennison, Councillor Sharman, and Councillor Lancaster
  • Motion No.

    Approve, with modifications, the application submitted by Fothergill Planning and Development Inc., on behalf of 2486964 Ontario Inc., to amend the zoning by-law for the lands at 1160 King Road, as outlined in planning and building department report PB-55-17 (File 520-12/16); and

    Approve Zoning By-law 2020-386, rezoning the lands at 1160 King Road from T-MR2 in Zoning By-law 4000-3 to BC1-471 as attached in Appendix D to planning and building department report PB-55-17, as amended to include a maximum floor area of 6350m2; and

    Deem that the proposed by-law will conform to the Official Plan of the City of Burlington and that there are no applications to alter the Official Plan with respect to the subject lands.

    IN FAVOUR:Mayor Goldring, Councillor Craven, Councillor Meed Ward, Councillor Taylor, Councillor Dennison, Councillor Sharman, and Councillor Lancaster
  • Motion No.

    Defer planning and building department report PB-34-17 regarding official plan amendment for 6515 McNiven Road to the May, 2018 planning and development committee meeting.

    IN FAVOUR:Mayor Goldring, Councillor Craven, Councillor Meed Ward, Councillor Taylor, Councillor Dennison, Councillor Sharman, and Councillor Lancaster
  • Motion No.

    Approve the application submitted by 421 Brant Street Inc., to amend the Official Plan and Zoning By-law, as modified by staff in Report PB-62-17, to permit a mixed used development with a height up to 23 storeys; and

    Approve Amendment No. 106 to the City of Burlington Official Plan, as contained in Appendix B of Report PB-62-17, to modify the “Downtown Core Precinct” policies affecting 421 – 431 Brant Street, to permit a mixed use development consisting of a 23 storey building with a maximum of 169 residential apartment units, a minimum of 365 square metres of office space and 900 square metres of commercial retail space at 421 - 431 Brant Street; and

    Deem that Section 17(21) of The Planning Act has been met; and

    Instruct the City Clerk to prepare the necessary by-law adopting Official Plan Amendment No. 106 as contained in Appendix B of Report PB-62-17 (File: 505- 01/17); and

    Approve in principle the application by 421 Brant Street Inc., to amend the Zoning By-law, as modified by staff in Report PB-62-17, to permit a mixed use building with a height of up to 23 storeys at 421 – 431 Brant Street, subject to Section 37 negotiations; and

    Direct staff to hold discussions with the applicant to secure community benefits in accordance with Section 37 of the Planning Act and to return to Council with a report outlining the recommended community benefits; and

    Instruct planning staff to prepare the by-law to amend Zoning By-law 2020, as amended, rezoning the lands at 421 – 431 Brant Street from “DC” and “DC-434” to “DC-473” substantially in accordance with the draft regulations contained in Appendix C of Report PB-62-17 and direct that the amending zoning by-law will not be enacted until completion by the applicant of the following:

    i) Execution of a Residential Development Agreement including the conditions listed in Appendix D of Report PB-62-17; and

    ii) Execution of a Section 37 Agreement, in accordance with Section 37 of the Planning Act and Part VI, Section 2.3 of the City’s Official Plan, as they relate to the request for increased density on the subject properties.

    Deem that the amending zoning by-law will conform to the Official Plan for the City of Burlington once Official Plan Amendment No. 106 is adopted; and

    State that the amending zoning by-law will not come into effect until Official Plan Amendment No. 106 is adopted. (File: 520-02/17); and

    Approve the proposal by 421 Brant Street Inc., to remove three (3) city-owned trees from the Brant Street and John Street rights-of-way in front of the properties at 421 – 431 Brant Street and identified on Sketch No.2 in Appendix A of Report PB-62/17, subject to the following:

    1. The Owner shall compensate the City of Burlington for the tree removals by providing compensation (replanting or cash-in-lieu, where opportunity for replanting is not available, in the amount of $3,750); and

    All associated costs with respect to the removal of the trees will be the responsibility of the Owner and the contractor hired to remove the trees will be approved to the satisfaction of the Executive Director of Capital Works.

    IN FAVOUR:Councillor Craven, Councillor Taylor, Councillor Dennison, Councillor Sharman, and Councillor Lancaster
    OPPOSED:Mayor Goldring, and Councillor Meed Ward
  • Motion No.

    Receive and file planning and building department report PB-41-17 regarding the proposed zoning by-law amendment for 4063 Upper Middle Road.

    IN FAVOUR:Mayor Goldring, Councillor Craven, Councillor Meed Ward, Councillor Taylor, Councillor Dennison, Councillor Sharman, and Councillor Lancaster
  • Motion No.

    Receive and file planning and building department report PB-77-17 regarding the official plan and zoning by-law amendment applications for 490-492 Brock Avenue and 1298 Ontario Street.

    IN FAVOUR:Mayor Goldring, Councillor Craven, Councillor Meed Ward, Councillor Taylor, Councillor Dennison, Councillor Sharman, and Councillor Lancaster
  • Motion No.

    Receive the proposed 2018-2027 capital budget and forecast book; and

    Direct staff to present the recommendations contained in Appendix A to finance department report F-37-17 to the Committee of the Whole – Budget meeting of December 1, 2017 for review and approval of the capital budget taking into consideration committee amendments; and

    Approve the updated Vehicle Replacement Funding Policy as outlined in Appendix B to finance department report F-37-17; and

    Approve the updated New / Enhanced Assets Policy as outlined in Appendix C to report finance department report F-37-17.



  • Motion No.
    Moved by:Councillor Taylor
    Seconded by:Councillor Lancaster

    Receive and file the following Information Packages, having been prepared and distributed to Council: 

  • Motion No.
    Moved by:Councillor Taylor
    Seconded by:Councillor Lancaster

    Receive and file the following nine items, having been considered by Council:


  • Motion No.
    Moved by:Councillor Craven
    Seconded by:Councillor Meed Ward

    Enact and pass the following by-laws which are now introduced, entitled and numbered as indicated below:


  • Motion No.
    Moved by:Councillor Craven
    Seconded by:Councillor Meed Ward

    Enact and pass By-law Number 53-2017, being a by-law to confirm the proceedings of Council at its meeting held Monday, November 13, 2017 being read a first, second and third time.

  • Motion No.
    Moved by:Councillor Meed Ward
    Seconded by:Councillor Craven

    Adjourn this Council now to meet again at the call of the Mayor.

    8:54 p.m.