Planning and Development Committee - Public


Meeting #:
1:00 p.m. reconvening at 6:30 p.m.
Council Chambers Level 2, City Hall
Members Present:
  • Paul Sharman (Chair),
  • Rick Craven,
  • Marianne Meed Ward,
  • John Taylor,
  • Blair Lancaster,
  • and Mayor Rick Goldring
Member Regrets:
  • Jack Dennison
Staff Present:
  • James Ridge,
  • Sue Connor,
  • Mary Lou Tanner,
  • Vito Tolone,
  • Bill Janssen,
  • David Thompson (Audio/Video Specialist),
  • and Amber LaPointe (Clerk)

Brian Dean and David Hayward, Burlington Downtown Business Association appeared before committee to request that committee delay the approval of the Official Plan. The Burlington Downtown Business Association would like time to engage membership and provide feedback to committee.

Joseph Gaetan appeared before committee to express concerns regarding walk-ability in the downtown and the importance of engagement during the process. Mr. Gaetan requested that the approval of the Official Plan be postponed until after the 2018 municipal election.

Jim McLaughlin appeared before committee with concerns regarding the proposed Official Plan including parking and height during the development of Burlington.

Perry Bowker, Burlington Lions Club appeared before committee and provided concerns regarding the designation of the Lions Club property in downtown Burlington. Mr. Bowker requested that a portion of the property be designated as green space and the approval of the Official Plan be postponed.

Jack O'Brien appeared before committee to request that policy be included in the Official Plan to limit Council's ability to amend the Official Plan without a referendum from the population.

Elaine O'Brien appeared before committee to express concerns with engagement and requested that committee delay the approval of the Official Plan until June in order to reevaluate the plan.

Brian Aasgaard appeared before committee with concerns regarding the proposed Official Plan including the engagement process.

Anne Wingfield appeared before committee to request that committee defer all development applications until after the 2018 municipal election.

Kim Johnny appeared before committee to express concerns regarding parking in downtown Burlington. Ms. Johnny requested that committee consider parking requirements for small businesses.

Catherine Crozier appeared before committee with concerns regarding the engagement process and request to that committee delay the approval of the Official Plan.

Gary Scobie appeared before committee with concerns regarding development in the mobility hubs. Mr. Scobie requested that committee delay the approval of the Official Plan and reevaluate the policies regarding the downtown.

Lisa Kearns, Engaged Citizens of Burlington appeared before committee with concerns regarding the engagement process and requested that committee delay the approval of the Official Plan.

Andrew Lyster appeared before committee stating that he is opposed to the proposed Official Plan. Mr. Lyster requested that the approval of the Official Plan be postponed until after the 2018 municipal election.

Gerry Lodder appeared before committee representing neighbours in the St. Luke's Neighbourhood Precinct. Mr. Lodder requested that the approval of the proposed Official Plan be delayed.

Mark Desrochers appeared before committee with concerns regarding the proposed Official Plan. Mr. Desrochers provided concerns with a number of policies including impacts of sun shadowing, wind tunnels, transportation, and requested that more analysis be completed.

Michael Hribijan appeared before committee and requested that the approval of the proposed Official Plan be deferred until after the 2018 municipal election.

David Myers appeared before committee and requested that the approval of the proposed Official Plan be deferred until after the 2018 municipal election.

Paul Brophy appeared before committee and provided concerns regarding the proposed Official Plan including intensification in the downtown and traffic implications. Mr. Brophy requested that the approval of the proposed Official Plan be delayed until after the 2018 municipal election.

My Dang appeared before the committee with concerns regarding the proposed Official Plan and to request that it be delayed until after the 2018 municipal election.

Mark Eade appeared before committee in support of developers in Burlington. Mr. Eade provided concerns with the planning development process and parking in the downtown.

Steve Keech appeared before committee with concerns regarding the traffic impact that may result from the intensification of downtown Burlington.

David Zavitz appeared before committee with concerns regarding intensification in the downtown of Burlington. Mr. Zavitz requested that the committee preserve the downtown and vote on the proposed Official Plan before the 2018 municipal election.

Brian Ng appeared before committee representing neighbours with concerns with the Bates Prescient. Mr. Ng expressed concern that the intensification in the prescient will have negative affects on the neighbouring streets.

Deby Morrison appeared before committee to provide concern with the proposed Official Plan including the speed of the approval process, the downtown being named a mobility hub, the loss of the character of Brant Street, and intensification in the downtown. Ms. Morrison requested that the approval of the proposed Official Plan be delayed.

Larry Griffith appeared before committee with concerns regarding the proposed Official Plan including parking, traffic, and pressure on existing infrastructure. Mr. Griffith requested that the approval of the proposed Official Plan be delayed until after the 2018 municipal election or that a referendum be held

Jeremy Skinner appeared before committee to provide concerns with the proposed Official Plan. Mr. Skinner provided concerns with gaps in the public understanding of the planning process and provided rationale in support and/or against committee member motions.

Glenn Wellings appeared before committee and spoke in support of the proposed Official Plan. Mr. Wellings requested that committee plan for future generations as they make decisions on the future of downtown. Mr. Wellings asked committee to refer all motions to staff for their response.

Deborah Ruse appeared before committee and spoke in opposition to the proposed Official Plan. Ms. Ruse provided concerns with intensification, traffic, and parking.

Michael Jones appeared before committee and spoke in opposition to the proposed Official Plan. Mr. Jones presented concerns with intensification in the downtown, traffic, and communications of the proposed Official Plan.

Albert Facenda appeared before committee and provided comments regarding the Official Plan. Mr. Facenda requested that current boundaries be kept and that committee introduce semi-detached dwellings in the downtown area.

  • Moved byCouncillor Meed Ward

    Defer approval of Official Plan untill after the 2018 Municipal Election.

  • Moved byCouncillor Meed Ward

    Amend the motion to replace the words "17 storeys" with "15 storeys".

  • Moved byCouncillor Meed Ward

    Amend the motion to replace the number "12" with "4" and the number "17" with "8".

  • Moved byCouncillor Taylor

    Direct the Director of City Building to modify the block shown at the northeast corner of Brant Street and Lakeshore located in the Cannery Precinct to the Downtown Core Precinct with a maximum building height of 17 storeys including community benefits obtained through Section 37 agreements.

  • Moved byMayor Goldring

    Direct the Director of City Building to modify the building height permissions of the Downtown Core Precinct so that development shall:

    i) have a maximum height of 12 storeys; or

    ii) have a maximum height which shall not exceed 17 storeys, subject to a site-specific Zoning By-Law Amendment, with additional storeys above that permitted in the Downtown Core Precinct being provided in accordance with the following:

    1. one additional storey for every 150 sq m of dedicated office and/or employment floor space; or
    2. one additional storey for every 8 publicly accessible parking spaces provided in an underground parking structure.
  • Moved byCouncillor Sharman

    Direct the Director of City Building to incorporate within the proposed new Official Plan an increased minimum tower separation requirement for tall buildings within the Downtown Mobility Hub of 30 metres.

  • Moved byCouncillor Meed Ward

    Direct the Director of City Building to include policies to allow additional density in developments that preserve heritage buildings, as a factor of square footage preserved.

  • Moved byCouncillor Meed Ward

    Direct the Director of City Building to include policy encouraging consideration of public-private parking partnerships in the Official Plan.

  • Moved byCouncillor Sharman

    Direct the Director of City Building to prepare mid-rise buildings guidelines by end of the third quarter of 2018.

  • Moved byCouncillor Meed Ward

    Refer policies in the Official Plan regarding semi-detached homes to the zoning by-law review process.

  • Moved byCouncillor Sharman

    Direct the Director of City Building to incorporate an Official Plan policy that assigns a minimum target % (TBD) of residential dwellings contained within mid-rise and tall buildings to be configured with 2 & 3 bedrooms with at least 10% of the building containing 3 bedrooms to accommodate families with children.

  • Moved byCouncillor Meed Ward

    Direct the Director of City Building to delete Chapter 3 Section 3.1.1 (2)(i) in the Official Plan “more than 200 dwelling units” and add a target percent of new mid-rise and high-rise units to achieve affordable, assisted, and special needs housing, as defined in Halton Region’s Annual State of Housing report.

  • Moved byCouncillor Meed Ward

    Direct the Director of City Building to add the North-West corner of Burlington Avenue and Lakeshore Road to the special planning area (6 storeys) to match the north east corner.

  • Moved byCouncillor Meed Ward

    Direct the Director of City Building to retain the height at Burlington Avenue and Lakeshore Road to 3 storeys.

  • Moved byCouncillor Meed Ward

    Refer discussion of the whole Upper Brant Precinct to the Planning and Development Committee meeting of February 6, 2018.

  • Moved byCouncillor Meed Ward

    Direct the Director of City Building to discuss with the Region and province the possibility of removing the mobility hub classification for the downtown, and shifting the Urban Growth Centre from downtown to the Burlington GO station.

  • Moved byCouncillor Meed Ward

    Direct the Director of City Building to work with the Region of Halton to review the Downtown Urban Growth Centre boundaries, and consider restoring original boundaries with the exception of Spencer Smith Park.

  • Moved byCouncillor Meed Ward

    Direct the Director of City Building to remove the special policy area at the South East corner of Brant and James Street.

  • Moved byMayor Goldring

    Receive department of city building report PB-11-18 regarding supplementary information with respect to the proposed Downtown Mobility Hub Precinct Plan and associated Official Plan policies; and

    Direct the Director of City Building to proceed with the proposed Downtown Precinct Plan, as described in report PB-81-17, as amended, and incorporate into the proposed New Official Plan; and

    Direct the Director of City Building to incorporate Additional Supporting Policies for the Downtown, as described in report PB-11-18, as amended, into the proposed New Official Plan which will be presented to the Planning and Development Committee on April 4, 2018.

    Direct the Director of City Building to modify the block shown at the northeast corner of Brant Street and Lakeshore located in the Cannery Precinct to the Downtown Core Precinct with a maximum building height of 17 storeys including community benefits obtained through Section 37 agreements.

    Direct the Director of City Building to modify the building height permissions of the Downtown Core Precinct so that development shall:

    i) have a maximum height of 12 storeys; or

    ii) have a maximum height which shall not exceed 17 storeys, subject to a site-specific Zoning By-Law Amendment, with additional storeys above that permitted in the Downtown Core Precinct being provided in accordance with the following:

    1. one additional storey for every 150 sq m of dedicated office and/or employment floor space; or
    2. one additional storey for every 8 publicly accessible parking spaces provided in an underground parking structure.

    Direct the Director of City Building to incorporate within the proposed new Official Plan an increased minimum tower separation requirement for tall buildings within the Downtown Mobility Hub of 30 metres.

    Direct the Director of City Building to include policies to allow additional density in developments that preserve heritage buildings, as a factor of square footage preserved.

    Direct the Director of City Building to include policy encouraging consideration of public-private parking partnerships in the Official Plan.

    Direct the Director of City Building to prepare mid-rise buildings guidelines by end of the third quarter of 2018.

    Direct the Director of City Building to incorporate an Official Plan policy that assigns a minimum target % (TBD) of residential dwellings contained within mid-rise and tall buildings to be configured with 2 & 3 bedrooms with at least 10% of the building containing 3 bedrooms to accommodate families with children.

    Direct the Director of City Building to delete Chapter 3 Section 3.1.1 (2)(i) in the Official Plan “more than 200 dwelling units” and add a target percent of new mid-rise and high-rise units to achieve affordable, assisted, and special needs housing, as defined in Halton Region’s Annual State of Housing report.

    Direct the Director of City Building to add the North-West corner of Burlington Avenue and Lakeshore Road to the special planning area (6 storeys) to match the north east corner.

    Refer discussion of the whole Upper Brant Precinct to the Planning and Development Committee meeting of February 6, 2018.

    Direct the Director of City Building to work with the Region of Halton to review the Downtown Urban Growth Centre boundaries, and consider restoring original boundaries with the exception of Spencer Smith Park.







  • Moved byCouncillor Sharman

    Receive and file the following twenty-four items, having been given due consideration by the Planning and Development Committee.


3:10 p.m. (recessed), 3:17 p.m. (reconvened), 3:52 p.m. (recessed), 6:30 p.m. (reconvened), 10:32 p.m. (recessed to January 24), 1:00 p.m. (reconvened), 4:16 p.m. (recessed), 6:30 p.m. (reconvened)

Chair adjourned the meeting at 9:37 p.m.

No Item Selected