Direct the Director of Community Planning to prepare a draft Community Planning Permit By-law for consultation in the Fall of 2023 at the same time as the release of draft Official Plan policies; and
Direct the Director of Community Planning to prepare a scope change to the existing engagement with Dillon Consulting in the amount of $120,000 to complete a CPP By-law for the MTSAs by the end of 2023; and
Receive the technical documents completed as of June 27, 2023 (Appendices B-H) as
Major Transit Station Area (MTSA) Phase 2 Flood Hazard Assessment
Burlington GO and Downtown (March 6, 2023), as prepared by WSP, and contained in Appendix B of community planning department report PL-40-23;
Major Transit Station Areas Land Use Compatibility Study (May 2023), as prepared by Dillon Consulting, and contained in Appendix C of community planning department report PL-40-23;
Flood Hazard and Scoped Stormwater Management Assessment, Aldershot GO Major Transit Station Area (June 5, 2023), as prepared by WSP, and contained in Appendix D of community planning department report PL-40-23;
Flood Hazard and Scoped Stormwater Management Assessment, Appleby GO Major Transit Station Area (June 5, 2023), as prepared by WSP, and contained in Appendix E of community planning department report PL-40-23;
Scoped Environmental Impact Study, Aldershot Mobility Hub (August 2022), as prepared by Dillon Consulting, and contained in Appendix F of community planning department report PL-40-23;
Scoped Environmental Impact Study, Burlington Mobility Hub (August 2022), as prepared by Dillon Consulting, and contained in Appendix G of community planning department report PL-40-23;
Scoped Environmental Impact Study, Appleby Mobility Hub (August 2022), as prepared by Dillon Consulting, and contained in Appendix H of community planning department report PL-40-23.