Community Planning, Regulation and Mobility Committee Meeting

Meeting #:
9:30 a.m. and 6:30 p.m. (if required)
Hybrid meeting- virtual and Council Chambers, City Hall

Contact:                Committee Clerk,, 905-335-7600, x7413

Consent Items:

  • Direct the Director of Transportation Services and Director of Engineering Services to proceed with the detailed design and construction work required to facilitate two through vehicular lanes, with a center left turn lane (left turn lanes at intersections), and on-road protected bike lanes on Prospect Street (Guelph Line to Cumberland Avenue).

Regular Items:

  • Endorse the proposed strategic actions outlined in community planning department report PL-34-23 to respond to the Bill 23 changes to the Ontario Heritage Act; and

    Endorse the Engagement and Communication Plan as outlined in community planning department report PL-34-23, which includes consulting with all non-designated heritage property owners on the proposed strategic actions outlined in this report; and

    Direct the Director of Community Planning to explore funding options to retain external consulting assistance to review and complete cultural heritage evaluation reports for a prioritized list of properties currently on the City’s Cultural Heritage Register.

Note: Appendices B1, B2, C, F, G and H can be accessed at 

  • Direct the Director of Community Planning to prepare a draft Community Planning Permit By-law for consultation in the Fall of 2023 at the same time as the release of draft Official Plan policies; and

    Direct the Director of Community Planning to prepare a scope change to the existing engagement with Dillon Consulting in the amount of $120,000 to complete a CPP By-law for the MTSAs by the end of 2023; and

    Receive the technical documents completed as of June 27, 2023 (Appendices B-H) as

    Major Transit Station Area (MTSA) Phase 2 Flood Hazard Assessment
    Burlington GO and Downtown (March 6, 2023), as prepared by WSP, and contained in Appendix B of community planning department report PL-40-23;

    Major Transit Station Areas Land Use Compatibility Study (May 2023), as prepared by Dillon Consulting, and contained in Appendix C of community planning department report PL-40-23;

    Flood Hazard and Scoped Stormwater Management Assessment, Aldershot GO Major Transit Station Area (June 5, 2023), as prepared by WSP, and contained in Appendix D of community planning department report PL-40-23;

    Flood Hazard and Scoped Stormwater Management Assessment, Appleby GO Major Transit Station Area (June 5, 2023), as prepared by WSP, and contained in Appendix E of community planning department report PL-40-23;

    Scoped Environmental Impact Study, Aldershot Mobility Hub (August 2022), as prepared by Dillon Consulting, and contained in Appendix F of community planning department report PL-40-23;

    Scoped Environmental Impact Study, Burlington Mobility Hub (August 2022), as prepared by Dillon Consulting, and contained in Appendix G of community planning department report PL-40-23;

    Scoped Environmental Impact Study, Appleby Mobility Hub (August 2022), as prepared by Dillon Consulting, and contained in Appendix H of community planning department report PL-40-23.

  • Direct the Director of Community Planning to initiate the work plan for the Burlington Official Plan, 2020 Targeted Realignment exercise, as generally set out in section 3.0 and visually described in Appendix C to community planning department report PL-45-23; and

    Direct the Director of Community Planning to develop a detailed terms of reference based on the key points of investigation as set out in section 3.0, item A in connection with item B, and further described in Appendix D to community planning department report PL-45-23; and

    Direct the Director of Community Planning to develop an engagement plan for the Targeted Realignment of the BOP, 2020; and

    Authorize the Director of Community Planning to develop the technical work and the engagement plan to an upset limit of $175,000 as set out in the Financial Matters section of the report.

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