Approve the tender for Contract No.: CW-18-16, Cedar Springs Road minor reconstruction and culvert replacement, submitted by Fermar Paving Limited, 1921 Albion Road, Rexdale, Ontario M9W 5S8 at a total price of $ 2,318,377.79 (HST included); and
Direct the Mayor and City Clerk to sign related documents, subject to the satisfaction of the City Solicitor; and
Authorize the Manager of Procurement Services to issue a purchase order to Fermar Paving Limited; and
Direct the City Clerk to issue the debenture by-law; and
Approve the total project cost of $ 2,835,000, to be charged to capital order RA0208 to be financed as follows:
Tax Supported Debt
$ 2,288,000
Capital From Current
$ 362,000
Federal Gas Tax
$ 185,000
Total Project Financing
$ 2,835,000